Etsy Musings: Funky Monkey Company

Another week, another Etsy Musing! This week the Muse is all about the cool baked powders she can find at Funky Monkey Company and I'm positive after you read my review you'll want one.
Jump ahead for the good word!
One day while randomly searching through Etsy's beauty listings I came across a really awesome powder that looked super similar to my beloved Physicians Formula Pressed Powder but much prettier!
After clicking I discovered that the powder was a liquid mineral foundation that was baked into the beautiful marbleized creation on my screen. Reading further I learned it had no artificial preservatives, harmful chemicals, or added likey! I quickly purchased one and waited eagerly for it to arrive.

When it arrived I was absolutely delighted how pretty it was. It comes housed in a silver compact with mirror. The powder is a domed, baked marble powder reminiscent of a MAC Skinfinish.
I got the lightest shade she had available and it suited my skin tone perfectly. It's ideal as a light foundation that offers sheer to medium coverage. You can buff it gently onto your skin or use a puff to apply it for heavier coverage. It wakes up dull skin, evens it out, and creates a nice, flawless finish for makeup. It made my skin light up with a gorgeous glow! I actually felt like it was better quality than my favorite Physicians Formula palette. The formula is a smooth, silky powder. The texture of the powder doesn't flake on my dry skin which is always a plus.

The artist of this fine palette, Myra, was kind enough to grant me an interview! Check out below what she has to say about her powders and how they are made!
What’s your name and where are you from?
Myra Roldan, I'm from Aguas Buenas, Puerto Rico but currently living in Milford, CT. I've been in the States for about 20 years.
What made you start selling on Etsy?
I started with Etsy about 2 years ago but didn't actively pursue it because I had lots going on. About two months ago I rebranded my Etsy page and began actively selling.
Have you sold on any other sites prior to Etsy?
Yes, I own a mineral makeup company, Beautiful Diva ( I currently have approximately 500 representatives in the US, Canada and Australia who distribute my products. My Esty page is a test market of sorts, where customers who purchase directly from me can get products created by me without the need of a sales rep.
Do you do any other makeup items aside from pressed powder?
My Kiln Baked Minerals aren't really pressed, they start off as a liquid and then are baked in a kiln. I also offer loose mineral foundations, blushes and pigment shadows. I also offer mineral mascara, gel liners, eye liners, lip glosses and lipsticks. I'm also working on a Mineral Mousse Foundation which I will offer only on Etsy.
How long does it take to make one pressed powder?
The Kiln Baked Mineral formulation takes about 20 to 30 minutes to make, it then must bake in a Kiln for 24 hours. The formula is a combination of iron oxides and liquid botanicals. The liquid is poured into molds and once baked it hardens.
What’s the procedure for making the powder? What sort of ingredients go into it?
I start with my basic pigment blend for the color, this is the same blend I used in created loose minerals. I usually create the pigment (color) blend made from Iron Oxides and Micas first then work on the base whether it is liquid for my baked minerals or powder for my loose minerals. In the case of Baked Minerals, the pigment blend is added to a liquid base which is a combination of different botanical extracts. For Loose Minerals, I have started substituting my traditional base for a more herbal base made up of Arrowroot Powder, Oat Starch and vegetable based Magnesium Stearate. I also add a few drops of jojoba which contains a natural anti-inflammatory and is a natural antixodant and helps extend the shelf life of the product. I also use tea tree oil which is a natural germ killer. This is actually my grandmother's original formula.
What’s the hardest part when making a pressed powder like this?
Getting the color match every single time.
How do you get those amazing swirls and twirls throughout the powder? The marbleized effect is so pretty!
The swirls are created by the product it self during baking. The ingredients start to separate and creates the cool looking swirls.
What made you start making pressed powder?
Loose powders are messy. I tend to make a HUGE mess when mixing. I've been using mineral makeup for years and I can tell you the it's messy stuff. I wanted something that was less mess.
Are your product vegan friendly or organic?
Yes they are. I try to use vegetable based ingredients staying away from animal by-products.
Overall, I thought the powder was incredible and I'll definitely be purchasing more from Funky Monkey Company. Loves it! Truly a great Etsy find! I've included some pictures of other items that Myra sells on Etsy below. I'm quite excited about the mineral mousse she was discussing in the interview, let's hope we get to see that soon!

Here's me using my powder as a full foundation:

Visit with Myra and discover her amazing line of minerals at
Labels: Etsy Musings
I checked out the site,fab products and they have reps in my country so ill be checking that out.
wow omg,your skin is so velvety!!!
hi potionprincess!
:-D awesome! plus I think she might ship internationally too!
thanks anonymous :-D
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