Garnier Skin Naturals Vital Restore Moisturizer Review
If you're looking for a moisturizer for mature skin allow a Muse to recommend Garnier Skin Naturals Vital Restore.

Although I'm not of an age to really appreciate the full benefits of Garnier Skin Naturals Vital Restore I still gave it a go because it smells so ridiculously gorgeous. Yes, indeed, scent does sale a product to the Muse.
Garnier Skin Naturals Vital Restore is part of Garnier's newest skincare line up within the UK (no worries I'm sure we'll see it in the US sooner or later). The collection is directed towards mature skin in need of a moisture as well as pampering. The product is a complete revitalizing skin cream the hydrates and reinforces skin structure whole protecting against age spots.

If you're around 50 years of age, Garnier Vital Restore is something to consider for rebuilding and replenishing skin texture. The moisturizer has an SPF 15 and UVA/UVB filters to help protect skin against premature aging by the sun's harmful rays. Two active ingredients in the formula are Orchid extract which stumulate cell vitality and Soy bioproteins which stimulate production of collagen and elastin.
I can't speak for how well it works as my skin isn't matured enough to appreciate the full benefits of the cream but I must say it smells lovely and moisturizers quite well. My dry skin seems to love it! It's a nice thick cream that absorbs easily into my face. The overall results of the products won't take full effect because as I mentioned my skin isn't old enough but as for texture and scent the product definitely snag my attention!

For further details about the Garnier Skin Naturals Collection visit
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I'm currently using their SPF 28 moisturizer with vitamin C and I really like it. Garnier Nutritioniste skin renew anti-sun-damage daily moisturizer. I really like it, and I haven't had any break outs from it. However, it did prompt me to look at more moisturizers with vitamin C, which is how I ended up with some of the Body Shop stuff. It's nice to see that some of their other products work well and that you like them :)
hey dd!
damn 28 is lovely. I love high SPF's in my moisturizers :)
This smells heavenly wish it was meant for regular skin types and not mature!
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