Pieces of Life: The K-Drama Edition

Hey guys!
I'm on my latest K-Drama kick so I thought I'd do a "Pieces of Life" Edition about it as I'm wondering what everyone is watching at the moment.
I'm currently trying to get through I Really, Really Like You but for some reason it's slow going so far...hmmmmm...must be me being tired perhaps!
Jump ahead to read more!
I'm positive that I'm not only tired but the bloody subtitles are moving so fast that I can't take a breath to actually watch anything hehe! But so far it's a bit on the meh side.

I waited ages to purchase it via YesAsia but they only ever had the Part 1 Box Set in stock (finally Box Set 2 is out) and I just couldn't wait any longer so I had it CP'ed from Malaysia. Impatient is the Muse but hey it actually worked out way cheaper but only prob is the damn subtitles!
There really hasn't been much in the way of releases that I've really wanted to see aside from Iljimae. Lurve me some Lee Jun Ki, WANT! I just recently finished re-watching Sweet 18. I dunno what happened but one day I was listening to the soundtrack and suddenly the urge to re-watch it was upon me, glad I did it's such a fab drama!
What's playing on your telly at the moment or DVD?
Have you seen I Really, Really Like You (Love Truly)?
Whatcha think?
Tell the Muse!

Labels: Babblings, K-Dramas, Pieces of Life
hey Muse. :)
this is my first time commenting. hehe. but i've been reading your blog for awhile. It is very informative.
anyways i dont know if you ever watched any Taiwanese drama but i love Why Why Love and Devil Beside You. They are both so cute and really funny. I def reccomend both. You could probably find both on youtube with english subs.
If not you order them. :D
One of the male leads Mike He, is so cute, you should google him. ;)
hey muse. i caught that drama a few years back (when it aired on korean tv here), and had the same feelings you did. it wasn't that great.
i watched i really really like you before! or i truly love you.
its super cute but i do agree, it is a tad bit slow.
i never finished the whole drama though. i watched like half of the beggining and went to the end since it was airing on AZN TV on comcast and somedays my dvr wouldn't record the show.
its cute though...but i'm not sure if it's the best.
you should watch Boys Over Flowers.it's the CUTEST drama. mysoju.com has everything. i think you probably know. its like asian youtube for dramas only. (:
I <3 Lee Junki!
I had quit watching Korean dramas a year ago but I'm now watching a new one called Boys Over Flowers. It's still airing in Korea but you should give it a try. It has four handsome guys!
I also recommend Japanese dramas! Their plots have more substance than Korean ones in my opinion.
currently i'm watching "High Kick" (a sitcom) and "Boys Over Flowers" (korean vers.) at first it was kind of lagging but now i am ADDICTED. i mean how can you go wrong when the guys are so gorgeous! KIMBUM~~~ <3
darling! i am quite on a K-drama craze now :P
have you heard of "Boys Before Flower?" It's the Korean version of Hana Yori Dango (Japan) or the earlier Meteor Garden (Taiwan).
It's showing on TV in Korea now, so I think the DVDs aren't out yet, but the boys are eye candies!
Muahahahaha! It's my best entertainment for now other than blogging and reading blogs and doing MU!
I don't have much to say about Really Really Like You (I only watched bits and pieces, and wasn't quite charmed with this particular drama), but I can say that Iljimae is REALLY good. Actually, a 2nd version of Iljimae, Return of Iljimae, has already got me squealing for more! http://www.donga.com/photo/news/200812/200812240366.jpg
how's that for some serious eye candy? his name is jung il woo. :)
i just finished watching You Are My Destiny. It's 178 episodes long, but really worth it. One of the girls from Girl's Generation is the main character. I definitely recommend it.
Oh, right now the big crazy is Korea is Boys Over Flower. It's the korean adaptation of the Japanese Hana Yori Dango. This is definitely going on my favorite korean drama list. I LOVE talking about korean pop culture. Let me know if you have any questions or anything, this kind of shit is right up my alley!!
I really like the k-drama Gourmet. It's about cooking, which is always fun to watch! I haven't been able to watch it in awhile though because my computer needs a new video card and crashes when I watch videos on it. ;_;
hi Anonymous!
sorry for the delayed reply and thanks for the first time comment :) I appreciate your reading my Musings!
I do watch a few :) I'll mark down these two since you are loving them ;) I'd rather order 'em!
Mike He is gorg! lol def have to look these two up thanks hun!
hi jean!
Mmmm i dunno what happened...it was so hyped by everyone too :(
hi sheesa!
yea totally..kinda disappointing!
I don't think boys over flowers is yet on dvd as it's just now airing on k-tv I believe.
I normally like to sit in bed or on my couch to watch :) so youtube kinda stinks :P will have to wait for that one! Thanks for the rec hun!
hi novemberbaby
ditto but please step away as he's mine hehehehehe!
Sadly it's not available here yet but I def want to see it :) read up on it and it sounds fab!
I enjoy J-Drama as well but not as much as K ;)
I'm more of a J-Horror fan actually when compared to drama ;)
hi yoonha
I haven't heard of high kick yet but I'm loving all this chat about boys over flowers :)
LOL all those gorg guys I'm on it :D!
hi plue!
LOL I'm always on one :) not yet but all this talk about it has me craving it ;)
Must see this obviously ;)
hi serenity!
Sorry for the delayed reply hun! I loved Iljimae!!!!!
Omg more Iljimae!!!!!!!! SQUEE!
178 episodes? holy cow that's too much for me lol!
LOL I know and I'm damned b/c it isn't around here yet :) I wants to see it!
hells I adore k pop chats :) we need to speak on messenger one day ;)
LOL you're excited as I am ;)
hi hana!
Must check it out hun thanks for the rec :) awww sorry to hear :( Hope you get it fixed soon!
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