Too Faced Smurfette Collection
Of all places to get the scoop on the Too Faced Smurfette Collection who would think it would be on Bridal Guide! The Muse had heard whispers of this exciting collection and of course she googled until her little fingers bled and finally she located images and information for her very self!
The Smurf's has a movie coming out soon, plus they had an appearance in the Macy's Thanksgiving parade, and now you can look forward to seeing them appear in a cosmetic collection available exclusively from Too Faced on December 26th! The article explains that the collection will be quite limited so start saving your pennies now to nab this rather cute collection of goodies!
Too Faced Smurfette Collection

Pictured above is the Too Faced Smurfette Mood Swing Lip Gloss which the article explains is a sparkling blue gloss that goes on blue but morphs into your individual shade of pink a la Smashbox O-Gloss! How fun! The article doesn't say much but it looks like they are also releasing two new shades of Too Faced Starry Eyed Glitter Liner in blue and silver!
And behold...the star of the collection....Too Faced Smurfette Illuminating Powder!

Whoa....the Muse can't contain her excitement! I think I'm hyperventilating here! I haven't been this excited since Smashbox Tokidoki (which I should remind you turned out to be a dud!). credit card is I just have to wait till December 26th to nab my Too Faced Smurfette Collection!
Read the rest of the story by clicking here!
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MAC Hello Kitty Collection
Labels: Too Faced
Love it! Oh Muse, you have just brightened my day xx
hehe zara :)
tis cute isn't it?!
Holy crap, amazing.
Do you know if/when it'll be out in the UK?
Oh my!
This cracks me up.
It's cute, but not sure about the blue shades in the illuminating powder. :|
Oh by the way, I got my Artdeco illuminating powder in the post today and it's lovely. :) Haven't tried it yet as it's so pretty, if you know what I mean. :)
I loved the smurfs as a kid so I think this is super cute!!
hi laura :)
Not sure hun but if it doesn't get to you let me know, happy to cp it :)
hehe me too dd :)
hi there Anitacska!
LOL I was worried about the blue too! But who knows maybe it's nice :)
YAYYY I can't WAIT for mine to come :)
Is it nice and shimmery!?
hi katee!
Me too! makes me feel kinda old lol!
This is soo cute!!
that is too cute! I'll have to keep an eye for that when they release it :)
hey gio!
how are you miss?
Isn't it adorable?
hiya mayaari!
Can't wait to see it! It's adorable isn't it?
OMG that powder is awesome!!
It is lovely and shimmery. :) Looks a bit dark though for an illuminating powder, more like a bronzer, but might be quite sheer. I still haven't tried it. :o
hehe agreed sher...want!
hi anitacska!
Ooo sounds lovely..I can't WAIT to try it :) I'm dying for the loose powder too! :) can't come soon enough in the mail!
Jarrod Blandino done lost his mind! Smurfette? It reminds me of that skit from SNL:
Oh goodie, you found pics! My lame descriptions couldn't do the powder justice. I want the whole lineup; glitter liners, lip gloss, powder and all.
lmao Mandy! I remember that skit!
me too michelle me too :) I'm in awe of the powder...must be a part of my beauty vault :)
Just to give you a heads-up, I went into Sephora today and they already had the eye palette available in there. No sign of the other stuff yet.
hi ebontien!
thanks hun! it's showing up on sephora's website too already
How as the eye palette?
The eye palette was a bit too glittery for my tastes compared to a softer shimmer I get from Dior and Guerlain eyeshadows, which is probably why I didn't buy it. The face palette however seemed to be a bit easier on the disco ball effect ^_^
yup yup agreed Ebontien! I'm doing a review shortly of it and I must say all the glitter, even though I adore it, is awful :P
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