MAC Passions of Red Review: Comparisons to MAC Royal Assets & MAC Formal Black
Mallowmars. The root of all evil which is why when my sister offered me one this morning I shook my head absolutely no! As she held the plate before me I realized this was how Adam must have felt when Eve offered him that juicy, forbidden apple! Although my willpower shows strong with the Mallowmars this morning I can't always say the same about MAC and the evil temptation it presents daily.
I wonder to myself if you've been eagerly awaiting my MAC Passions of Red post. I honestly didn't have my whole heart in MAC this year and I sadly admit that.
As much as I adore MAC I can't help but be disappointed with this year's palettes as it's a bit of a rerun of the same color combinations released in a new brightly packaged compact. Although much of the MAC Red She Said Promo was absolutely awesome I wasn't feeling the palette part of the release as much as the other items! I guess the Muse's honeymoon with MAC is over.
This year like all year's past MAC introduced four eye palettes with just about all the same color combos we have grown to know so well, particularly if you're a huge MAC fan. I think it's super fun and exciting for those who haven't experienced MAC Holiday prior to this but I think it's a huge let down for those who know and love MAC.

I did get three of the four palettes released because I wanted to compare and review them here on Musings and of course like the Mallowmars it's very difficult to resist the call of MAC. I've had these since the official release but just didn't feel up to posting about them however I thought it was about time to take action and see the good points and the bad points of the MAC Passions of Red palettes.

One key factor of MAC Holiday is that they always release that special little palette that does kind of excite and get me giddy! Last year it was the Royal Assets Metallic Eye Palette that really caught and captured my eye and attention. The year before that it was the Formal Black Intense Eyes Palette. And this year I did so fancy the rather lovely shades included with the Passions of Red Devoted Poppy Classic Eye Palette! Aside from these special releases a majority of the other combos are pretty much reruns and replays of the same old thing year after year. As I type this I can't believe I'm saying as such considering what a huge MAC fan girl I am.

The moral of my short story is that although MAC evolves it's packaging year to year the colors inside mostly remain the same. Keep your eyes on the prize and locate that one palette that's unique from other MAC palettes you own and don't be swayed by the lure of new packaging and the collect them all attitude! The Muse knows as she's one for collecting them all when in fact she really doesn't need them and can easily dupe them from MAC Holiday Palettes past!
The Muse honestly suggest nabbing all four palettes if you're new to MAC as these are some sincerely create color combos! However, if you're an experienced MAC collector the Muse thinks you can settle on MAC Passions of Red Devoted Poppy Eye Palette and call it a day on the other three!

MAC Royal Assets Holiday Collection 2007
MAC Little Darlings Softsparkle/Eye Set Review & Swatches
MAC Adoring Carmine Face Brush Set Review
MAC Devoted Poppy Lip Palette Review & Swatches
Labels: Holiday Collections 2008, MAC, Reviews
Hi there Muse! These palettes look so good. How are they pigmentation and swatch wise? BTW I have a guest review with pic on Jen's A Beautyful Sentiment blog. Check it out :-)
You are absolutely right!
But after my first full year of MAC addiction, I almost appreciate not having to buy another set of palettes, that I already own. more money for other things, hehe...
Oh... they are all look almost the same. Well, I never really into MAC palette anyway.
Thank you very much for this post. It's very useful.
Aww, sorry to hear that.
I've read from someone who was disappointed by MAC Passions of Red trio lips. They are just too sheer and need to have a lot of layers in order to show the colors.
I mean with MAC always doing a bunch of collections a year, sooner or later the idea is gonna dry up. I'd rather have MAC come out with few each year; that way, it'd more interesting and appealing for the long run.
I might get a MAC palette since I've never used MAC before. *GAP*
I have one of the 2006 (I think) Delights Cool Eyes palettes and I love it, so I skipped on the palettes, though I did find them gorgeous!
I'm trying to behave with my spending.
Just wanna say hi~
I came across your blog and fell in love with it right away~~
I made several purchases from yesterday and some of them are totally NOT what I would usually use. Now I feel sooooo guilty for my overspending...
I wish I could nab all four!
My lovely parents are buying me the smokey eye one though. Tough choice, but I think that's the one I'll use the most.
(I went and drooled over the entire lot today!)
hey kayvid!
MAC is always great for pigmented palettes :) I seen! Your hair is gorg :) Good job! Maybe you'll be inspired to start your own beauty blog now ;) hehe!
hi nell!
I've been collecting a bit longer but I have to say Holiday is a bit of a letdown :P
I agree 100% it's always nice not having to actually purchase anything since it's all reruns :) more $ for something else indeed!
Hugs :)
hi there Vichaya!
Sadly almost identical :P Thank save money by not being into them lol!
You're most welcome!
hello Vivian!
Ah it's the life of a makeup junkie goes :)
I actually liked the one trio I did try..not too bad :)
I think as MAC fans we all get kinda coked up on the idea of 2-3 collections a month and we'd so miss it if they didn't do that hehehe!
OOOO a mac virgin! You're sure to enjoy the run :) It's an exciting time to get addicted to mac for the 1st time!
Happy Shopping ;-)
hey dd!
They are gorg just so rerun in the color dept :P
I am too! I am too! With all that's going down we have too sadly :(
hello there crabbie!
Thanks for taking time out to say hello! How are you?
I'm so glad you're enjoying Musings!
LOL I totally understand..I always overspend and wince later. Good news though, Sephora offers free shipping back and a full refund on all items so if you get them and don't want them just send them back in the same box and they'll refund you :)
I can relate *pats your back*
Hugs and thanks for commenting! I hope we'll talk again soon!
hello there Laura!
The smokey eye one is awesome :) I think it's a great one to decide's truly lovely :)
LOL I know the feeling...I'm sure many a mac item has my drool on it ;)
Hugs darlin'!
Kayvid: Ooops, I forgot to mention it's Kayvid on the 1st comment. Sorry bout that. Thanks for the compliment. And yes, I often think of starting my own blog, but I'm far too lazy for that. Thanks for checking it out babe!
Have to say I don't feel MAC anymore. Since the middle of this year, all the collections have been so so. I do agree with you about the palettes, compared to last year's collection this year's just pale. Thank you for posting this up Muse, love ya!
hey kayvid :)
It was nice to "see" you hehehehe! :-)
aw I can totally understand..blogging feels like a full time job sometimes eep!
morning dao!
love ya back :)
ya....I still have the ability to shake with excitement when it comes to MAC it's just Holiday that kinda makes me feel meh :( But I think it's good too b/c it saves me some $ for other collections hehe!
Happy Monday doll!
I am not that much of a fan of the Passion if Red eye palettes. I mean the colors are okay...but I remember being more excited for last year's Royal Assets. The RA Metallic Palette is a staple in my purse make up case.
hi mc!
Mmm ho hum! I never get excited about MAC too much lately :P
The Metallic Palette is awesome!!! I love the gold in it!
Thanks for the review and comparisons!
Sooooo M.A.C's been feeding us bulls**t for the last couple years huh? I'm going to stick to ONE holiday palette and forget about the rest from now on, LOL. They really need to hire new designers/marketers....
hey aya
what's up girl :)
You're most welcome...
LOL naa I think mostly they redo the palettes to draw in new customers it's somewhat understandable but if you already have 'em no sense buying again :P ;)
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