The Muse Goes Pink for Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Hey there, hi there!
I'm a little slow today getting reviews out but I wanted to do another quick give away in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
I felt a bit pressured and rushed this month getting reviews out and I've been quite swamped with just about everything else so my blog hasn't taken part in much of the goings on for Breast Cancer Awareness.
This doesn't mean that I have forgotten, far from it. Although I haven't personally been effected by this disease my heart still goes out to those who have had to personally deal with it or who have had friends or family members effected by it.
Allow me to direct you to a few members of The Beauty Blog Network who are currently working hard at raising money for this worthy cause. Please visit the Beauty Blog Network to find out more information and how you can make a personal donation to this cause.
After careful consideration I decided I wouldn't be doing a chip in post this year for donations as I felt a tad bit too rushed to take it all on however I have made a personal donation. If you'd like to support the Muse's charity of choice you can visit the Susan G. Komen for the Cure and make your donation, small or large, every little bit takes us one step towards a cure.
You can also help with the cause by purchasing "Pink" themed products from such companies as Estee Lauder who donate partial or all proceeds of purchases to Cancer Research!
I'm having a small give away on this post as well. You can comment below to enter and I'll announce the winner at the end of the month. If you win you'll receive an Estee Lauder Pink Ribbon Pin!

As always my contests are open to both US and International readers!
Good Luck and I'll hope you'll consider making a small donation to some charity this month to help make a path towards a brighter future for cancer research!
Labels: Contests
Kayvid: Thanks Muse! This is really good. I do Susan G Komen Marathons twice each year...It's a good activity with friends... Also the Clinique lippie that gives $10 from each lippie to this cause...I am interested in checking out that lippie. Thanks for another great giveaway!
What a beautiful pin! I'd love to gift this to my mom, who lost her best friend (my godmother) to breast cancer a few years ago.
hi kayvid!
That's fantastic Kayvid!
I didn't see the clinique definately have to have a look!!!!!
You're most welcome, it's my pleasure :)
Big hugs!
hi augustvows!
I'm so sorry for your mum :( That's very hard losing a friend to this :(
Big hugs to you and your mum!
I hope you win!
Good luck!
It is very important to support women who have cancer especially breast cancer, because when you are a teenager, it’s the part of your body that makes you feel like a woman.
So when you face the fact that they have to remove one of your breasts it can be frustrating, some women actually feel that they are losing a part of who they are. That’s why I think supporting them is very important and making sure that they know that it can be treated, prevented and that it is not going to be the end of the world and that people around them are still going to treat them like they deserve to be treated is a great chance to prove how great humanity is and how powerful love can be.
That's a very pretty pin! I've been making use of my good ol' pink ribbon ribbon for the past few years. For this month I'm collecting funds with the help of a few friends through a cosmetic sale and the funds will go to
I haven't been personally affected by breast cancer either but a relative of mine had it (and recovered!) and quite recently, a family friend was diagnosed. Oddly enough, both women led very healthy lifestyles with frequent exercise. Anything can happen eh?
I'd love to show support to this cause.
*joins in*
hi Alejandra
Absolutely that's why I did this post.
thanks for your lovely post! I agree with everything you said :)
hi connie!
That's truly fantastic of you connie!
Absolutely you never's something that can bring down the very best of us no matter how healthy our lifestyle! I'm so sorry you've had friends and family who have suffered through it but thank god they are ok now!
Thanks for sharing your story :) and good work on the cosmetic sales!
You should give me a link I'd love to buy some items to support you!
hi naomi!
Count yourself in :)
hi Ann*!
count yourself joined :)
Ohhh, definitely check out the Clinique lippie that anonymous's in a PINK tube! kawaii!
ack pink!?
Must get it! lol!
Thanks yellow fever :) I'll be at Nordie tonight so will check it out!
I always look forward to all of the gorgeous new things that come out during Breast Cancer Awareness month, the range of things is amazing. Plus it's fun to build a collection of things collected from year to year. I think it's great that so many companies & people pitch in for this cause. This is a fight for all women, young & old, something that has touched the heart of every women. Regardless of all the fun & shopping please remember to do your self breast checks, they are one of the most important signs of early detection.
First timer here! Of all the things in the world, I have to give you a pat in the back and tell you what a great job you are doing - if you don't mind me doing that. Your blog is very helpful.
-- a girl from Canada
hello iowagirl301!
Absolutely agreed :) All that pink is too yummie to resist!
Thanks for your comment iowagirl! It is very important to do self checks! :)
hello Vivian!
Thanks for visiting :) Thank you so so so so so much! I truly appreciate it :)
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