MAC Sheer Minerals Collection: The Return of Petticoat
I remember, not so long ago, selling off a kidney to get my hands on MAC Mineralize SkinFinish in Petticoat. Lucky you won't have to sell off any organs to get your hands on one of your very favorite MSF's from MAC as it's now available again with the new Sheer Minerals Collection!
A little makeup porn for your eyes:

Is that beautiful or what?
Along with Petticoat MAC is releasing a slew of mineral foundations, Mineralize Skin Finishes, and more with it's latest Sheer Minerals Color Story!
It's up and available now at MAC and of course at your local counter!
So tell me....
What are you hauling?
I know I'm grabbing a back up of Petticoat and the other two MSF!
Tell the Muse what you're getting, if anything!

MAC Little Darlings Swatches
MAC Manish Arora Swatches and Review
MAC Suite Array and MAC Cremesheen Review
The Mysteries of MAC Fafi Beauty Powder
Alexander McQueen for MAC Review
MAC Stylistics
MAC Pro Blushes Review
Labels: MAC
i bought all 4 MSFs. stress shopping. not good. LOL
lol evo!
I need some stress shopping myself. Americans are going to put themselves deeper in a hole doing stress relief shopping after reading all the scary headlines lol!
Enjoy your MSF!
I think I am going to finally get this at the MAC store tomorrow...along with some Dazzleglasses!!! YAY!
I haven't gone yet either Tammy :)
I may go this weekend too :)
Dazzleglasses! AHHH! *falls over*
I'm going shopping on Sunday for this! ;)
wahoo! :-) Happy Shopping! Enjoy! Stop back and share your purchases with us :)
Kayvid: I'm getting all the MSFs. This one especially. Can I request you to please, pretty please also poct a pic with swatches of this?
If you had to pick, would you buy the Mac MSF in Petticoat or get the Baked Laura Geller deal at QVC? I've never tried either and love the idea of a bargain (5-6 pieces in Geller's kit) but not sure if Laura Geller's line is comparable? Any thoughts are really appreciated:)
hi kayvid :)
how are you love?
Do you want swatches or a look using it?
Let me know ;)
Your wish is my command!
Hi paige!
For me MAC MSF is unquestionably the best opinion. Laura Geller Baked blushes and powders are no where near the quality of a MAC MSF.
However, if I want to be unbias and not sound like a mac fan girl I wll say that they are two different products.
MAC MSF are a tad bit more on the shimmery side when compared with Laura Geller's.
If you like a silky, shimmery look I'd go with the MAC MSF. If you want a more suble natural look the Laura Geller would be better probably.
Personally I'd go with the MAC as I've tried the Laura Geller and they are chalky as hell and the formula just isn't as lovely as the mac :)
I hope this helps!
I know the geller kits are a better deal but the better deal forsakes the quality :)
Hi Muse,
I was thinking if that's a nipple or a Hersey kiss chocolate in the ad :) MAC is so naughty.
I do agree with you, MAC MSF is da bomb! However, my skin just does not like any powder or foundation from MAC, especially the MSF. But anybody who does not have skin sensitivity, go for it. Who knows when MAC is going to bring another batch of MSF, right?
hi dao!
How are you grgeous!?
LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL a hersey's kiss?! LOL
oh no that stinks hun! I heart these I'd be devastated if I couldn't use 'em :(
I'm so sorry!
But I agree nab 'em now b/c they go FAST!
and later end up on ebay for $160 each lol
Okay, I'm heading to my Mac counter tomorrow:) Thank you so much! Have a great weekend:)
it's my pleasure paige :)
Do have them try each shade on your cheeks for you....Nordies has particularly nice MA's as does Macy's :) So have them test it out on you prior to purchasing so you can get a feel for the product, don't let them rush you :)
Good luck and have fun!
Happy Weekend to you too!
why is there so much lust after petticoat? i just need a reason to go snag it! LOL! it looks pinkish, does it give you that glow? that dewy glow?
I couldn't wait and drove me and friend over there after work. Petticoat is lovely but I went with So Ceylon tonight and a paint pot in Contructivist (I heart paint pots!). I'm afraid Petticoat was too much shimmer for me. I think I'll get more 'bang for my buck' with So Ceylon by using it as a blush, highlight or an eyeshadow. Thanks you again for your help!
I got the second last Petticoat on our counter. I'm glad it's more icy pink than raspberry, what it seemed to be on many earlier swatches. Depends on the veins too, surely.
I'm so jealous...I really want Gold Deposit and Petticoat, and the loose powder in Sheerbronze...and then I have to replace my Studio Fix powder foundation and my MSFN.
I hate being poor ;-;
Lucky you dear :)
Unfortunately mac only released soft and gentle from this new sheer mineral collections and apparently they're are not bringing petticoat sad is that :(
I got Petticoat and a sheersheen powder in Lucent, love it!
Since you asked, my son is 21 months now and quite a handful, his only saving grace is, that he is so cute ;)
hi muse! it look so pretty.. but I never really know how to use it. How do you usually :)
morning jenn!
It does give that dewy glow :)
We must tempt you with petticoat.....evilly enabling you to it's gorgeous shimmery pink ;-)
hi paige!
LOL awesome :) I understand the feeling of "want it right now"!
I'm not a big fan of pps for some reason but I'm trying to be in love with 'em :)
So Ceylon is gorg! Good pick!
You're most welcome!!!! Enjoy the MSF :) I love tons of shimmer so that's why petticoat appeals to me :)
Multitasking it for cheeks, eyes, an awesome idea!
hiya mizz x!
Ahh I better hurry and get my back up soon!
I think it depends on the veins too :) Same for the shadows!
Glad you like yours!
hey sarah!
Awww *hugs* Don't worry if you don't get 'em now they'll have a new repromote sooner or later ;) I bet anything on it!
hi kate!
aw that stinks :( That's horrible :( maybe with a new collection soon!??!?!
hi nell!
Fantastic :) good pics!
Awww I can babysit? ;) LOL cute erases all other faults :)
hi pinkyping!
I normally use a small kabuki brush and apply to the apples of my cheeks :) and presto dewy and glowy :)
Hope this helps!
Ok, I went to MAC Saturday with every intention of getting Petticoat, but it swatched WAY too light for me, so I got So Ceylon instead and LOVE it!!! I finally popped my MAC MSF cherry! Why did I wait so long???
I also picked up a bunch of Dazzleglasses, I really couldn't help myself.
The MA said that in a couple of months, they should be making the Dazzleglasses perm! *faints with joy*
Oh my god first time with an MSF!?
How exciting Tam :) I hated them at first but now I adore 'em!
I was upset that the DG's were repromote :(
Fantasticccccccccc! I hope they do some new shades for the perm edition as I love these things!
I'm so glad MAC brought back Petticoat. I'd heard about the legend of Petticoat but never got to experience it for myself. Light pink shimmer just does something magic to the complexion. I'm going to buy mine tomorrow! :)
hi glossy!
Ditto! It light up my entire face :)
These are so worth backup purchases!
Thanks for your comment :)
Hugs! happy Hauling!
I bought this item at your recommendation. Love it! What a great color. I see why you wanted two.
hi anonymous!
So glad you scored this. Really well worth the cash and I bet you'll reach for it again and again :)
You won't be sorry as once it's gone you'll be the envy of makeup junkies everywhere that didn't snatch one for themselves ;)
Thanks for the comment! it's the biggest compliment when someone pops on to say they got something b/c I rec'ed it and they ended up loving it!
Cheers to you!
Beautiful veining! I sold mine though - it was too ruddy for me. That said, I like the pink Porcelain Pink is more for me! ;)
oh no don't say that! It's my flavorite :)
can't believe you sold it! Cheeky girl :)
PP is very nice..less glittery bits too!
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