Lancome's Maharani Jewels Fall Collection 2008: Maharani Elephant Bronzer Review
I feel like Lancome has come a long way recently. All the really interesting collections they have released as of late have been very unique! I don't believe anyone can say no to really great packaging, unique design, and awesome product all combined in one.
All of these elements are combined into a great Fall Collection that Lancome has entitled Maharani Jewels. A Mahārāja is a great king in Indian culture where as Maharani is it's equivalent female version which is the title given to the wife of the king or in certain cases a female ruler. Maharani Jewels is a wonderful name to behold on such a royal and elegant collection of cosmetics.

Obviously from first site you will notice that many of the colors in the collection are truly Fall inspired. Shimmering golds and browns compliment the warmth we associate with Fall colors. I headed to my local counter to have a peek at the collection but sadly it's not yet available for sale and the SA I spoke to was a tad bit clueless about the set which was rather disappointing! Dontcha just hate when SA's are not very knowledgeable about what they are selling! Perfect example is when I called the MAC store last week and asked if they had gotten in the three new collections...I had to wait on the line for 5-6 minutes while the MA on the other end ummmmm'ed her way into mind boggling confusion and finally responded with, "umm no I don't think we got any of those!"....oh boy.

I was able to get a chance to test drive the new Elephant Bronzer powder and this was the item I was really lemming badly so it's all good! I will however probably be bringing you the eyeshadow palette as well once I can get my greedy paws on it at my local counter!

The Elephant Bronzing Powder is one of those items you want to tuck securely away in your beauty vault because you'll never want to use it and only take it out to pet it and tell it how beautiful it is. It's one of those unique purchases that just triggers your protective instinct! I've had this feeling with several beauty compacts I own. Either I'm a sad, diseased cosmetic junkie or this is a common thing that all women experience with awesome makeup!

The palette consists of three separate colors which all blend together to create a rather beautiful peach, gold, bronze shimmer on cheeks and face. The main color is a typical bronze shimmering tan shade while the other colors in the palette are a pale pink and a bright orange that make up parts of the elephant. You honestly can't tell the difference in the shades once you sweep your brush over it. All three shades just combine and create a unique glowing look on your face. If you desire you can take the compact a step further and use the pink and orange as an eyeshadow.

I was relieved and happy to notice that the gorgeous elephant print is deeply embedded into the powder so it won't wear off too quickly as you use the power! The detail on the print is really lovely and unique.
I've done a 180 on my view of bronze powders lately and instead of running from them screaming bloody murder I actually find myself seeking them out. Shocking right? Although you too may hate bronzing powders I do urge you to try out this one out as you'll be quite delighted with the soft glow of shimmering color it gives to cheeks. The color just works well and I really like the natural, healthy, unique look it gives to my face.

I think it's safe to say the color should work for most any skin tone even lighter shades which will sometimes appear muddy or dirty when using a bronzing powder. I'm a medium fair and I felt like it worked great for me and I'd recommend trying it out for a shade or two lighter than my own tone. And of course darker skin tones it goes without saying how beautifully brilliant it'll look on!
Sporting Lancome's Elephant Bronzer Powder:

I think it deserves to be mentioned that the idea of releasing a bronzing powder for a Fall Collection seems a tad bit absurd. We are after all heading into a cooler season and bronzing is the last thing we are thinking about. However, it's a total win for Lancome in my humblest opinion as the color just rather suits the warmer tones we associate with Fall such as golds, browns, really bronzing powder in the Fall works well especially when paired up with the Maharani eye shadow quad. The quad contains really beautiful, sultry shades of browns, golds, and peach all in shimmering finish. Or of course pair the bronzer up with your own stash of dark shades that you may already have in your collection!
Aside from the eye quad and the bronzing powder a few other items were released with this collection. Complimenting lip glosses and eyeliner pencils are all available to make up the perfect sultry, smoky look for the Fall!
And of course one item many people are excited about is the new La Base Pro Perfecting Makeup Primer. I've heard many an excited whisper about this new primer from Lancome and it's made me curious enough to want it. Since the collection is currently up and available online I think I'll be placing an order for both the primer and the eye quad shortly so expect reviews soon!
All in all a very promising collection from Lancome for the Fall! Definitely head in to your local counter towards the middle or end of this month to score some of these great items for yourself!
The Muse Approves it for purchase! Loves it!

Or buy it now at (Shipping is free this week)! See more of the Maharani Jewels Collection by clicking here!
Want any of this collection?
Love the bronzing powder?
Want the quad?
Dying for the primer?
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Check out my review of the Lancome's Mystery Game Collection released last Fall!
Labels: Fall Collections 2008, Lancome, Reviews
Oh my! all the items from this collection are definately on my wishlist. it'll be interesting to see when this would be released in Australia.
Hmmm....this bronzing palette would make a great eyeshadow methinks....after a few swipes, i'll stop using it and just admire its beauty, lol. I'm loving the FOTD by the way...i'm guessing it goes on sheer as it looks sheer on you?
Oh Izzy, you will always be MY Maharani! Well pretend like it's the British Raj all over again!
Seriously, we need to go to India together sometime and expose those folks to our beautiousness (bring the powder).
Yeah, I don't think I would be able to use this bronzing powder, simply because its too beautiful. I rarely use the powder from Clinique, that has the flower design on it (I can't remember the name right now), because I don't want to mess it up! Its to pretty!
Oh the bronzer looks good on u! :)I guess I'll nv use a bronzer as I'm too lazy to use it! hahaha.....
good morning Allysia-May!
And how much it'll be *shudders in fear*
It does it does! You can use the lighter pale pink and peachy shade on the lids or even the tanned part too :)
It took alot of convincing myself to use it lol! I wanted to stow it away in my beauty vault :)
It seems to be pigmented enough but not overly so yes a bit of sheer yet a nice glow of color if that makes sense ;)
Def love it!
hey mandy ;)
*blushes pretty and bats my lashes* why thank you! Can we play bollywood together please?
LMAO ;) Deal. I'll bring the powder and show 'em how it's done lancome style hehe!
hi jackie!
I'm the very same way. It took alot of willpower not to stash it away without using it. The elephant is very deeply embedded into the powder so it'll stick around a while before it begins to fade if that's any help ;)
Oh yes! I love that clinique powder ;) it's gorgeous!
I have the dior blossom one and I haven't used it yet! *gasp*
Some cosmetics are just for looking at not using hehe!
hiya serene!
Thanks honey ;)
I normally don't use bronzer either but lately I use it on bare skin and it looks yummie!
you seem like you have every headband color to match every outfit. do you use anything else besides a headband?? can we see you without one.
you smile looks weird. it looks fake. your cheek bones pops out extremely funny.
OMG that bronzing powder looks too pretty to use!!!
hi anonymous.
Thanks so much for your comment but please next time if you decide to leave a comment know it'll be deleted instantly if it contains insults and general petty rudeness.
Have a good day!
hiya mc
hehe feel the same way ;)
Must go to the beauty vault with it ;-)
Oh, Izzy! Who needs to play? When we're together, it's like Bollywood everyday; beautiful like 'Devdas', but a little bit tragic, like 'Water'.
Even Amitabh says so.
it can't be bollywood time now as I have the battle off the trolls polluting Musings with stupidity SIGH!
however I will make sure to bring my flair pants and curled toes shoe plus my magic carpet for our next bollywood session!
Oh noes Devdas is way to tragic....
Can you maybe pretend to be Shah Rak Khan?
That would make me hot!
**Bops anonymous over the head with powder puff** Leave my Musey alone!
Anywho, I LOVE this bronzer...of course, I love elephants anyway, so when you combine it with Lancome, well, that is just fabulousness overload! I think I wouldn't even use it either, just to know I HAVE it would be enough!
I'm glad I'm not the only one that buys compacts and such and never uses them. I have several that I pull out from time to time and just admire. Sometimes I wish I had purchased 2 so that I could play with them. LOL Thanks for the review on the collection!
LOL! Aaaaw, you are not sad OR diseased :D I'm a south asian so I think I NEED this compact like I need air in my lungs... heck, maybe even more than I need air... Maybe I'm the one that's sad and diseased =C I didn't buy anything from the new MAC collections (nothing since Naughty Nauticals, can you believe it) cuz I was waaaiting for this ooone! *falls over*
You look so loverly with that bronzer on!! :D Bollywood ain't got nothing on you ;) ;) I also have my eye on the eye pencils... I am a slave to eye pencils... I thought there were some lipsticks in this collection too? I might pick up a Juicy Tube or 2 as well just for the packaging, lol :P I'm gonna go nap... and dream about this collection!
omg izzy, u never fail to be an enabler. i usually pass on lancome collections, b/c usually they are bland and would end up in the discount store anyways.
but this time it's totally different. when i first saw the bronzer, i thought, eh, another pretty little thing that i'll never use again. then i saw the juicy tubes in jasmine, OMG, so cute! the color is perfect! but i've never seen it in person yet, so i don't know if it truly comes out to be a cheery pink.
so i went to order it on and saw the bronzer is only 38.50, add to cart pls. =) i'm waitting for my babies to get here... =P
thanks izzy!
lol Tammy :) I try not to feed the trolls but sometimes they come out to place ;) Thanks for protecting me with your trust powder puff!
Fabulousness overload is a good thing!
Ugh I was tempted to stow it away lol but I decided I must crack it open for the greater good of man kind ;)
and reviewdom ;)
hiya Elvira!
Oh we who buy compacts and stow them away must conjugate together and join forces ;)
I admit that I have several I never used either and pull out to pet ;)
I used to hoard stuff in twos and threes but I've since been good about it and only purchased 1 hehe!
You're most welcome! Hope you enjoyed the review!
hiya nosh ;)
Wahooo! I'm glad I'm not alone ;)
oh I feel that need. like the air I breath, the water I drink, I'll die without it lol! I know these feelings well ;)
no kidding? You were that excited about this collection eh?
aw shucks thanks *hugs* I want to see the pencils in person! they look rather fab!
I thought so too but it's only glosses however I have my eye on the lippie from the daria collection as it looks nice with this set! I was debating on the juicy tubes too ;) I love the packaging :)
Aww lol! Sweet dreams ;) Enjoy your dreamin'!
hey steph!!!!!
LOL ;) I'm happy to enable :) I was too until I seen the bronzer than it was lust at first site!
Even though I know I'll be disappointed when it hits the CCO in a few months I still think it's a good purchase :)
I wish I had swatches of the glosses for you! They look awesome!
LOL awesome ;) Nice haul of goodies :)
I can't wait to hear what you think!
Hugs! Miss you around here ;)
You're most welcome it's my pleasure ;)
I ordered the bronzer and a lipstick...but I'm definitely lemming the Secret of Benghal has an AMAZING purple and taupe in it that I'm dying over.
hiya shefali :)
Nice haul! The bronzer is simply awesome I think you'll be very happy with it!
god I want the quad badly. Must have....must have *drools*
musey! :) it's been a long while since we chatted, yeah? i am currently in your fair city until tomorrow night. i'm so excited to be here! it's the first time i've stayed in manhattan, so i'm definitely psyched. hope you're doing well!!
Trolls?!? Like in Harry Potter?
Oh, I see. Clearly that chick is working for the Dark Lord, 'cause no one else has got the cojones to talk to my Izzy like that!
Eff that hag, I say. She's got it all wrong anyway: take off the top, but keep the headband on. Rrreow!
Yeah, I'm kinky like that.
PS: You no post on shaving, so now I have to post by myself. It bees lonely in Razor Town, and cold, without you.
that compact is so pretty! the problem is though that i would rather get it and keep the image pristine instead of using it...but i'd feel like the money would be a waste :S
I love it, I would be one of those type who would try to avoid swiping on the area with the elephant! LOL it is so cute! Glad the muse approved this!
Oooo looky looky! I found some lipsticks! Good thing they don't look too appealing from the online swatches :P But I will go see them at the counter... maaaaaybe I'll change my mind (please pray that I remain unmoved!!) :P
I agree, the Daria l/s looks like a really nice neutral! But my next color fever lipstick will be 'pink in the limo' *nods* :D
ack! *dies* this is such a gorgeous collection! I'm such a lover for anything Indian (seriously, my boyfriend teases me for it). Love love love!
this palate looks so sweet. and, wow u look glowy and radiant!
The collection looks lovely and you look lovely! Sp natural and glowing! A true beauty!
Sorry for not commenting in a while. I have had a lot on my mind lately.
*GASPS* Little elephant, I invite you to my home! I will fan you with big palm leaves all day and give you yummy bananas! Or grapes! Or an ice cream bomb! Just say yes...
serenity! I miss you when you're not around ;) Ages since we talked!
ACK where? Are you here still? I'm just replying now sorry! Wanna meet up?
I'm pretty free tonight if you'd some Muse guided tour treatment :)
I hope you're having fun in my little city :)
'ello 'ello mizz mandy!
da trolls is da scary :P
LOL! hold me, I'm so scared. *hugs you tightly*
LOLLLLLLLL! No not until I see your (O)Y(O)
Iz sorry but Iz been busy! Sniff Sniff! I'll come to razor town soon! promise.
hiya ' * : . b | u 3 . : * '!
LOL I'm the same way lovie! But lately I'm sorta good about using stuff even when it's LE and pretty ;)
hey nikki!
LOL I'm the same way ;) Definately the same way! It's really gorgeous :)
hey Nosh!!!!!
HA good detective work my dear Watson! But I don't think these are officially part of the collection are they?
*prays hard for your poor wallet*
Pink in the Limo? I like the sound of that *wanders off to look*
hi psychoexgirlfriend!
Me too! I adore Bollywood films, the fashions, the looks, etc!
You must pick this up ;) It's yum!
hiya prettybeautiful!
Thank you kindly lovie :)
I like the palette too ;) It's really cutes!
Thanks for the comment :)
hi Sminkan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Aw thanks! *hugs*
It's ok! Everything alright with you lately? Hope you're well!
hiya linn!
LOL! LMAO! I'm with you! *strokes it and tells it how pretty it is*
uhhm WOW! thats a piece of art right there! lol you should frame it :p
Elephant bronzer, you shall be mine! MUAAHAHAHA
It looks so cute :D
Oooh wait, there's an eyeshadow palette in there too! Dangerous! But I'm craving the elephant palette more... I think it's very YSL somehow.
Hi again!
I am in the midlde of moving back to my old flat and having my summer vacation in another town and... Well, it is a bit sssful and I am going bananas over this flat-renovation. I can't understand why it is so hard for a guy to read the blueprints and build after the instructions. Everything is wrong and has to be re-done. Again and again and again.... Aaaaaaaagh!!!
So, that is why I have been a bit invisible. I am still here, just a bit quiet at times.
LOL Julie!
Go get it girl!
btw julie fab FOTD on Jen's blog! You look stunning!
hey linn!
YES! I wants it! Now please! LOL!
hey sminkan!
Ugh sounds like a nightmare love!
Aww stay as quiet as you want with all that stress I can't blame you!
It's always a pleasure to hear from you love! Take it easy and I hope your apartment gets fixed up soon!
Wow, that looks gorgeous! I'm usually weary of bronzers cuz they just don't look right w/my fair skin, but just by seeing it on you I think it wouldn't be the usual. Very pretty!
thanks gloria!
Ditto for me. I end up looking dirty but this gives a nice golden shimmer ;)
Thanks so much lovie!
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