Canmake's Late Summer Release: Sunset Beauty
While most Japanese brands are busy releasing and selling Fall Collections, Canmake's released a late Summer Collection entitled Sunset Beauty. I recently reviewed Canmake's Spring Collection and wasn't too pleased with the eye quads I had purchased so I think I'll be steering clear of this collection.

Canmake has taken a note from Lavshuca and has yet again revamped it's eye shadow packaging. They are taking the quad business very seriously lately and have released three new multitasking eye shadow palettes with the collection entitled Color Stripe Palette. I was delighted to see that the applicator is a dual end which has a brush on one side and a sponge applicator on the other side. Hey, sue me, I get excited about the little stuff in life! The palettes do sport a bronze look to them but you can easily take these looks well into the Fall season with you. As you may have noticed I mentioned these were multitasking that's because you can use each quad as an eyeshadow, highlighter, and blusher.

Although I won't be indulging in these palettes since I was burned with the Spring Collection my eye did roam over to the new Pop n' Jelly Gloss shades. I generally like Canmake's glosses plus the price is nice as well!
I know many of you have expressed a keen disdain for Canmake but I normally like many of the items in the catalog as the price is really nice and the quality isn't too bad. I could see myself indulging in the glosses but I think the quads are a no go!
The Color Stripe Palettes are 880 yen each and the glosses are 540 yen.
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Check out my review of the Canmake Spring Collection by clicking here featuring the Four Shiny Eye Palettes!
Labels: Canmake, Japanese Brands, Summer Collections 2008
Hey muse,
in response to the BB mauve post, I decided not to get the palette, sadly. It cost $60CAD here and that's before the 14% tax yikes! so I found another substitute, the Aube Jewellery Shower Eyes in #31. Which I think either you or Rouge Deluxe has, I can't remember. I think I rather get that than take a risk at buying the BB palette only to let the lipcolor collect cobwebs. However, the gel liners I still want haha. My next pay will never make it into my savings now haha. The Canmake collection looks so cute, but then I've used one of their single eyeshadows before and it has no staying power at all. That girl on the Canmake website (Lena) is EVVVERRRYWHEERRREE, in a bunch of Japanese magazine mainly, and also some new clothing ads that I saw in Hong Kong. wow.
Hi The Muse,
Thanks for commenting on my blog. I had a minor freak out this morning since I found out it was really you who stopped by! You know I've been reading your blog for a long time. You have a very unique voice and blogging persona.
Too bad I can't get any of the Asian makeup anymore since I don't live anywhere near a Korean town. Back in the day, I used to get some really awesome Korean and Japanese makeup but I think the people who sold jacked up the price.
This week and this week only, my blog will run a full week on mineral makeup. Please come back if you're interested.
Dao from mymakeupblog
the quads look very nice!! and they are of my favorite browns and golds too!! too bad the spring collection was really bad! or else i think i might have fallen for them LOL.
hi there millie!
eep that's really a silly price! :( It's expensive here too but wih the taxes and such your side it's just insane :(
If you still lem it give a yell and I'd be happy to cp!
Hoooray! Both iris (rouge deluxe) and I both adore Shower Eyes!
the lipcolors are quite workable...not too bad at all. I thought I might feel the same way about them but I liked 'em!'ll be happier with the Aube. It's much better! Shimmery and yum!
I want the liners too hehe.
*looks in pockets* I'm broke too lol!
I like some of the singles for canmake but some are just meh meh :P
I KNOW! I see her in every freaking japanese mag I pick up lol!
Damn! pimping herself out hehe!
LOL Dao! I feel like a celebrity :)
You've got a great blog :)
Wow thank you. I really appreciate that *hugs*
I'm glad you're enjoying my insane babblings!
Aw poo :( Korean makeup rocks my socks. It's difficult to find though for sure sigh!
Lord do they ever. :( Everyone jacks it up 10 or more! sheesh!
Awesome! I am indeed as I've slowly getting into the mineral world but so far I've been blah with it :(
Thanks for the great comment! Totally made my day lovie :) Keep up the great work on your blog!
Hope we talk again soon!
hi stephy!
They look great but I'm a bit scared as the Spring was terrible. :P
I'd have done the same thing but now that I'm burned I think I'll skip hehe.
They are cheap as hell but it's not worth it if they stink :(
thanks muse! you're awesome...what would i do if you decide not to blog about makeup anymore =p
Gaah! I don't think there's ANYTHING you've ever showed on the Muse blog that doesn't create a lemming in my head! Yummy for these!
Hi darling! Just wanted to stop by and say hi. :) I've been trying to catch up on my blogs, but you blog like a mad woman (in a good way)! What's your secret? :P
I'm going to have to devote an entire weekend to catch up with my Muse posts. :)
hello there millie!
Aww you're most welcome! Have no fear your Muse is here hehehe =-)
hiya linn!
LOL! ;-) My work is done here!
lmao ;)
Emilee!!!!!! Hello missus :) How are you? I was just reading your blog the other day and ohhhing and ahhing and generally drooling over your made skills with a makeup brush!
Gorgeous! Simply gorgeous!
The Muse can't compete!
LOL...! I blog in my sleep ;) Hehe...lord...I secret just way too many products to review hehe!
Hehe! Stop by anytime ;-) Just don't be gone too long as plenty to get through hehe!
Love ya!
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