Too Faced Lash Injection Antidote Eye Makeup Remover Review

I normally use Sephora Eye Makeup Remover since it's cheap as day old chips. I can't really get into the grove of dishing out $26 USD for Lancome Bi-Facil. Although it's probably the best eye makeup remover I've ever tried I really feel like $26 is an over indulgence for something that removes eye makeup!

Hmmmm do you think a hot guy is going to pop out if I peel this off?

Now Too Faced Lash Injection Antidote is just as expensive at $23.50 USD however it's an entirely different formula in comparison to Bi-Facil and I somehow feel like I am getting a lot more product since I'm using less.
The formula is a cream and you only need a pea size amount for it to work it's magic and whisk off eye makeup plus waterproof mascara. Too Faced has a possible winner on it's hands with one flaw that I'll tell you about in a few.
First of all the packaging on this deserves a big rave. It's a pump style which I really like. I actually wish that liquids came like this. I know of one remover in liquid form that has a similar style of packaging which is Boots Eye Makeup Remover. I like the idea of pumping a cotton pad full of product rather than tipping the bottle and over saturating a pad with a ton of product I don't need. In this case I'm pumping the cream onto my finger tips which is fab as I have more control over how much I am using!

This is simple to use and takes very little effort on your part. One pump onto your fingertips, rub around your eye area just as you would do with theBalm Balms Away Eye Makeup Remover that I recently reviewed and swipe off with a cotton pad or some tissue.
Some of you may be worried about rubbing your eye area but this has never been an issue for me. A few people had expressed concern about this with Balms Away as well but I didn't feel like the rubbing was causing any damage considering the product causes enough friction for a gentle glide rather than full on tugging! We definately want to be as gentle with our eyes as possible, don't need to be aging before our time now do we?
It does a supremely good job of removing the most difficult mascaras such as Excel's Mascara which rarely comes off completely no matter what remover I use!
The funky and possibly gross thing about this is you can actually see the mascara and shadow dissolving in chunks off your eye. Mascara sorta rolls off in huge pieces as you rub. Kinda cool in a gross way!
This is actually made for Too Faced's popular Lash Injection mascara which is pretty difficult to remove! The product works exactly as promised and does a good job at removing everything off your eye however it does burn.
I was disappointed at the burning sensation as I was actually delighted at what a great job it did taking off some of my hardest mascaras! It stings terribly even with my eyes tightly closed and for me that was a flaw I'm unsure I can get over.
The good news is I do actually recommend grabbing some. I think it's simply a great remover to have around for your toughest mascaras. This isn't something I'd reach for daily due to the burning sensation however it is a fabulous product to have when you're wearing hard to remove mascaras and heavy duty eye makeup that you need extra help getting off! In that it succeeds brilliantly with flying colors. If you're truly sensitive I wouldn't bother but if you're ok with a bit of stinging you should be fine!
However, I'm doubtful I'll use it daily unless they change the formula and make it a bit more gentle to my eye area!
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Find out why I'm not loving Boots No7 Cleanse and Care Eye Makeup Remover!
Click here to read my ravings about theBalm's Balms Away Eye Makeup Remover!
This eye make up remover sounds interesting, I like the idea of a pump. But the fact that it stings the eyes is a big turn off for me. :( Right now, I have a mini bottle of Lancome's Bi-facil that I'm using. It does work well, but I've also used Neutrogena's eye make up remover and I think it is pretty good in my opinion. It removes waterproof mascara, is supposedly oil-free, and has decent ratings on MUA. I recommend it. :)
The burning sensation scares me! Have you tried the Boots Eye Makeup Remover yet Muse? I loved it when I was living in the UK. It's also a creamy formula but very gentle.
I would never spend that much on an eye make-up remover either. I personally like the Target brand. It is very much like the Loreal but a little less expensive, not that the Loreal even comes close to the cost of Lancome. It smells wonderful and takes off even my waterproof mascara (I live in the wonderfully wet state of Washington and work outside much of the time so I sadly have to use waterproof mascara)
hiya avi!
I love the pump. It's my ideal packaging when it comes to remover be it cream or liquid.
Stinging stinks :( sigh but I must admit that it did work really well with a tiny amount.
I haven't tried Netrogena but you think it's comparable to bi faci?
I'll give it a whirl ;)
Thanks for rec!
Happy Monday! Thanks for the comment and hope we talk again soon!
hiya psychoexgirlfriend!
Yea :( It burned sorta like when you chop onions feeling. I have but I didn't love it :( It wasn't too good at removing hardcore makeup sadly. I actually have a review up here.
I didn't try the creamy version it was the liquid one! Maybe I'd like the creamy version better hmmm!
Thanks for the tip off ;) Something else to hunt down hehe!
hi lauraannette!
I've never tried the target brand. I normally shell out the 8 for the sephora brand but that's even too much at times.
I didn't mind doing $18 for the balm one as it works pretty wonderfully however even that's a bit nutty!
Hmmm You have me curious! Another to add to my list to try ;)
I normally use wp mascara all the time as the regular runs and flakes on me ;)
Thanks for the rec! Will give it a try ;)
Thanks for the comment, hope to talk to you again soon!
"I was disappointed at the burning sensation" - Oh Muse, you crack me up! What a nice way of putting it! I am using Bliss Lid and Lash Wash, it s nice cooling gel, but it does not remove every trace of makeup. The plus side is it does not burn my eyes. I use Avon makeup remover (you can sometimes get it for $0.99!!) to take off heavy makeup, but it does leave that oily film over your eyes, but I can deal with that for under a buck!
Big hugs,
Critty :)
If that makeup remover is giving you a burning sensation, then it's probably had one too many good times and needs to get tested, stat! At least as a courtesy to the other bloggers it's been with.
LOL Critty :)
Thank ye ;) I try! I was going to purchase the bliss one but I had a funny feeling it wouldn't remove everything!
I hate the blind fuzzy feeling so I'd probably stay away from the Avon one. That drives me bonkers. I used to use these oily pads from Japan that sincerely removed everything but they blinded me for the better part of 10 minutes! Couldn't take it so ditched 'em for the Sephora brand.
I wish there were better, cheaper options available for makeup removal ;(
This is actually fab and I imagine it's going to last for ages but the burning I can't get over :P
Morning Missus :)
LOL you're nuts.
haha i love that "peel off for a good time" sticker, and your comment! so funny :D
hey there!!
reporting from seoul. (on vacation) i'm an avid reader and i totally seized a chance to get my hands on the peach collection from etude house. i also picked up their mascara remover. and let me tell you.
it's AMAZING. it was only about 4500 won so it was a pretty good deal. washes off waterproof like it's nothing. there is some type of oil mixed in with the water based liquid so you have to shake it before you use it. i thought it would burn but was pleasantly surprised to see that it didn't.
if you get a chance you should definitely try and get a hold of it. and i'm also planning to make a trip and get the summer skincare line. :] i'll be waiting for your review.
I found a great makeup remover! It's drugstore, so I don't know how you'll feel, lol. It's by Lumene and only in CVS. For $6, it rocks my socks! Super gentle and removes my waterproof mascara with ease!
I turned one of my friends from her HG Clinique Take the Day off!!
Anything for $10 is just too pricey for me :P
morning ' * : . b | u 3 . : * '!
LOL ;) The silly sticker had me giggling as I peeled ;)
Sadly after I peeled nothing happened :P
What a rip off!
morning ichooseyoo!
Happy Monday!
Fantastic! lucky you! How long will you be away :)
Oooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want some!!!!!! Sounds great! Etude House is so ridiculously cheap and makes such great products. Def stock up while you are there!!!!!!!!!!
I'll be doing the Summer skincare lineup shortly ;) I'm positive it'll be a glowing one so you're probably going to want to score it while you're away!
I'm so jealous you're in Korea! Happy Shopping ;)
Have fun!
Thanks for the comment and hope you'll stop by again to tell us what you are up toO!
morning gee!
I was curious about that one. I've always found that ds brands either burn of give me the blind feeling but I'm been curious about the lumeire one!
Hmmm most head to CVS and give it a whirl! You'll see a review of it pop up soonish I'm sure ;-)
Thanks gee!
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