MAC DressCamp FOTD's
Hey guys!
Good morning, Good Day, Happy Tuesday!
I've a bit behind on comments, e-mails, and posts for the past few weeks. Forgive me?
As requested here are a few looks I created using my MAC DressCamp haul! The palette is pure gold for me as I got at least six looks out of that one tiny palette! Sorry for the picture overload but I really wanted to show you how many cool looks you can get out of the palette and maybe give you some ideas on how to use yours!
Here I used Golden Gold Eyeshadow in the crease and Sunny Girl on the lid of my eye. I have She-Gold on my lips under that is a simple lip stain I used.

In this look I used the entire palette. I have Trend as a highbrow highlighter, Sunny Girl in the inner corner of my eye, DressCamp Pink Beauty Powder in the middle of my eye, and Golden Gold in the outer v. Too Fab on my lips with Fashion Lipglass on top! I also used the pink beauty powder on my face in this FOTD.

This was a very simple look I created using Golden Gold on the outer eye and Sunny Girl on the inner eye and just quickly blending the harsh lines so the colors appear to ease into each other if that makes sense! Again I stained my lips prior to applying She Gold Lipglass!

This is my least favorite look of the bunch and I believe it would have come out better if I had used the pink beauty powder on the outer corner of my eyes instead of the bottom lash line! This was simply created by applying Sunny Girl all over my lid and lining my bottom lash line with the pink beauty powder. She Gold again on my lips and stain under it. Pink Beauty Powder on my cheeks with a dash of Joyous Beauty Powder Blush under that!

As you can see with a little creativity you can create some truly gorgeous looks with the one palette! I really love this palette and I'm looking forward to using it for some awesome Summer looks!
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Read more about MAC DressCamp including product photos and swatches by clicking here!
Labels: Face of the Day
Very very purdy!
Hi Izzy, u mentioned in this post about using lipstain prior to applying lipgloss. Is it Stila's Cherry Crush that u are using?
love all the looks! the palette really is so versatile, and i'm having so much fun playing with it. dresscamp pink is sooo gorgeous in my opinion, and i think the MAC gods that it's huge!
thank ye darling :)
hiya gracie.
No it's not. I actually used a lip stain pen from BP ;) They don't make them anymore though I don't think :( They were damn good.
here's a linkee!
jen I must say that the dresscamp pink powder is gorgeous! I wish I could have this in a regular pot!
So yum!
I should have gotten a backup as the palette is truly yummie!
I seen some of your fotds and you got so awesomely creative with it!
Props to you ;)
wow! major sparklage!! thanks for sharing!!!
hey kia :)
you're most welcome!
I love all the shimmer ;) hehe!
Wowsers, a very versatile palette indeed! Too bad it's sold out now - boo :(
You look as gorgeous as ever Muse! Golds really suit you :)
Lovely as ever!
You look fabulous in every colour!
hey cookie.
Yes! You can do so much with one :)
Check MUA or Ebay darling!
Aw thanks!
I emailed you twice but I it going through!?
thanks sminkan ;)
You're such a doll!
Hey Muse! I haven't been getting ur emails.. strange. Have you gotten mine??
Wow! So many great looks created by this palette. I should go see if its avaiable on my side. ;)
P.S. You've got mail!
I got my Kate GN! Colours are gorgeous. Cant wait to try.
Thannks for the link! :) I checked it out. Hmm..I've never seen this in SG before but heard some pretty good reviews for this before. Anyway Izzy, have you tried The Body Shop's lip and cheek stain? I think that's a rather versatile stain.
I hope to get my hands on Stila's cherry crush soon to compare :)
love the looks!!
ya know, i thought you had slicked back short hair beneath the hair bands!
hey lil
email is off I think. I emailed mandy too and don't think she got it :(
I haven't gotten yours? I got one from PJ today and that's it. I normally get a TON in the AM. I'll log on to AIM later today so we can chat!
hey serene!
Definitely see :) I believe it didn't sell out as fast as it did here! get it get it :)
Mail is kinda iffy!? I'll go check! Yay! Eager for you to try it and tell me whatcha think :) maybe share an FOTD?
hiya gracie!
You're most welcome!
It's pretty ok! Not a bad brand at all :)
I have tried the body shop one! It's quite nice but not my fav as it's a bit sheer!
I love Cherry Crush :) SO great You're going to adore it!
hey gez!
Thanks darling :) Nope it's quite long hehehe ;)
Check out some of my old fotd I have a few with my hair down ;)
Look 2 is definitely my favorite -- I love how you mixed the colors! Gorgeous!
thanks jamie :)
Hope you're well! I haven't visited in ages :(
sorry been swamped!
off to have a sneaky at what you've been up too!
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