Would You Buy It? Kate Somerville Deep Tissue Repair Cream

The Muse does so wonder how far are you willing to go for your skin? Me, I'd probably go far but not too far....
I recently came across Kate Somerville Deep Tissue Repair Cream and noticed that a 1oz size is $150 but that's nothing get this a 5oz size is $500 bucks!
Do you think it does dishes and walks the dog for that price?
This is an age-defying moisturizer which contains something called Peptide K8. Supposedly it's one of the most advantaged anti-aging ingredients ever. This is supposed to literally transform your face!
I actually find myself craving fine lines at the moment just so I can try it and see what happens...is that terribly weird?
Question is would you buy it for that price?
Jump ahead to hear my babble.
I'd possibly dish out $150 but I'm unsure I'd go for $500 dollars for a moisturizer. That's a bit above my budget and I sure could think of a dozen other things to do with $500 big ones and it doesn't involve moisturizer.
Ok, I'll be honest, I'm kinda second guessing even $150 bucks....the most I'm willing to dish out for skin care of any kind is in the $50-$65 range.
How about you?
Big spender?
Would you buy Kate Somerville Deep Tissue Repair Cream?
What if I told you it takes out the garbage and gets wrinkles off your face?
Convinced now?
Tell the Muse!
Labels: Skincare, Would You Buy It?
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