Steal It: Lush Stardust Bath Bomb

Stardust, screams Gaiman doesn't it? Considering Lush is quite British we could have went on a hunch that the name was Gaiman related if they hadn't told us so!
If you're a Lush fan, a Stardust fan, or a crazy screaming fan girl a la the Muse Gaiman fan you can stock up on some Lush Stardust Bath Bombs for 2 bucks and 95 cents. Lush has these little guys on sale right now knocked back from the original price tag of $6.95.
It's almost but not quite as good as having Neil Gaiman in the tub with you, somethings are left up to the imagination.
Go Steal!
Btw save an extra 15% off your total Lush purchase by entering promo code GIFTFORYOU09, the Muse tells you these things because she likes you.
Labels: For Your Shower and Bath, Lush, Steals and Deals
OOh I'm a crazy screaming Gaiman fangirl! But no lush in M'sia and no bathtub either. BOO!
I like Lush. but eh.. shipping. Damn those retro items.
LOL me too Kahani! He's on twitter you know :-D
aw damn :( sorry hun!
yup yup agreed on shipping :P
coupon code helps a tad bit with shipping :-D
I knoooww.. I stalks him on twitter. *ssshh* Love you blog by the way. It's one of my happy places. =)
LOL me too kahani!
sometimes he replies back :-D Aw shucks thanks glad you enjoy it!
Ohh, I like that one! LUSH is actually Canadian, but that doesn't mean they aren't Neil Gaiman fans. ;)
Yeah... I get little pieces of Neil Gaiman all day long through Twitter as well. :) I suppose soliciting a donation of genetic material for "research purposes" would be just a little too transparent...?
hi ariel!
It's actually british dearie :-D Canada is where the main mailing order for US and Canadian orders is but the line was born in the UK.
which accounts for the gaiman-ness of the bomb hehe!
hey kassia
LOL I've questioned whether I should ask him or not LOL!
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