Beauty Most Unusual: Deluscious Cookies and Borba

The Muse digs cookies. Mmm cookies and milk, good stuff. You know DeLuscious looks like they make seriously good looking cookies. The Muse can get on board with good looking cookies.
But get this....their cookies happen to be laced with something other than the typical ingredients you'd find in your standard chocolate chip variety.
Click it to find out what's inside these cookies!
Considering Borba has bottled up tropical juices with anti-aging, clarifying, replenishing, and other goodies for your skin it was only a matter of time that they got to the cookies.
Come to the darkside...we have cookies...cookies with good for your skin ingredients. Ok, be right there!
Deluscious has teamed up with Borba to create a line of vitamin-enhanced oatmeal raisin and chocolate white chocolate toffee cookies (that's chocolate twice peeps obviously this is serious skincare we are talkin' here) to help your skin look flawless. Look at that? I'm so printing this out and taking it over to my mum's who proclaimed how bad chocolate was for my skin when I was a growing teenage girl.
I think the promise of a cookie that creates flawless skin could be a bit much but I'm willing to try, for the sake of beauty, etc...not because I like cookies mind you.

Here's the scoop, the cookies contain antioxidants and nutrients such as acia and noni berries plus vitamins B3, B6, and B12 plus Flaxseed. I honestly get a bit too much Flaxseed in my diet (I'm addicted but that's a story for another day) so I might be over doing it by indulging in these.
But hey sure sounds like a cure all for your body and your skin! You can get half a dozen from Deluscious for $24.95 USD, milk is sold separately.
As for the Muse she's still debating if this is Beauty Most Unusual or something that could actually work.
I'm leaning towards a tad unusual for now.
What do you think?
Would you like your cookies laced with skincare and a side of Flaxseed?
Tell the Muse!
Labels: Beauty Most Unusual, Skincare
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