Musings of a Muse

A Blog of Musings from a Cosmetic Whore

Aug 11, 2008

Eyeko Face Off Wipes Review

Sometimes the Muse is lazy.

On the lazy days when it's just too much effort to go through the process and hassle of removing makeup using a ton of different products I like to reach for a quick wipe to just remove it all in one shot.

Biore makes some rather great wipes to remove all your make up in one go and of course MAC does a version that's absolutely awesome!

But I'm guilty of adoring the kawaii in products and neither MAC nor Biore has the cute factor going on!


Soooooooooo I found a cute face wipe to remove all my makeup (even waterproof mascara!) in one go!

Meet Eyeko Face Off Wipes:

At £5.00 for 20 wipes I'm saying you'll be sporting both a cute way to get it all off simply and quickly! Likey!

Sorry but sometimes the cute factor wins!

At £5.00 for 20 this isn't the cheapest option you have available but I do find it's a rather cute way to sport your face wipe around! Traveling with these is ultra nice as they are each individually wrapped which can't be said for most removers which come in a larger container.

Each wipe is pre-soaked with a cleaning solution that contains Vitamin E and other good for you ingredients. The wipes are extra large so one should do your entire face plus they work extra well at removing waterproof mascara in a hurry however some rubbing is required which is why these are good for quick removal and not recommended for daily use (who wants to be rubbing their eye area daily to remove makeup right?).

Ewwwwww! After use!

For travel, quick and simple makeup removal, or just lazy days Eyeko Face Off Wipes get a Muse Approval for purchase. Cute, simple, quick, easy, and awesome for travel make these a must have for the Muse!

Learn more about Eyeko products by visiting their website.

UK Portal
US Portal

The Muse highly recommends stopping by both as each has a different line up of products to enjoy!

Love these?

Which all in one wipes do you use?

Tell the Muse!

Eyeko Summer Releases 2008

Learn about more ways to get all your makeup off by clicking through some past reviews!

Heroine Mascara Remover Review

Etude House Eye and Lip Remover Review

Philosophy Purity Foaming Cleanser Review

Clarisonic Skin Care Brush Review

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Blogger acutelife said...

very cute :D I think it's abit expensive for 20pcs but it's really it's all justified :D

August 11, 2008 at 10:00 AM  
Blogger the Muse said...

morning a cutelife :)

I figure at 50 cents each it's not too bad a deal for traveling ;)

lol ;) but of course the cute eliminates all cons ;)

August 11, 2008 at 10:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's during times like this that i just adore international shipping. I'm soooo raiding their website over the weekend as i cant be bothered to do any shopping right now( it's almost 1am here!)

PS: Thanks for changing the link. I'm totally settled in so once i hand in my essays next week i'm off shopping...YAY!


August 11, 2008 at 10:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Considering the price of most things here, they aren't actually too expensive for what you get! I've been after them for a while, and might get some for my little trip next week!

August 11, 2008 at 11:51 AM  
Blogger the Muse said...

hey Allysia-May!

hehe I heart internet shopping in my pjs :)

You're most welcome :) Looks good so far!

yay! Come back and tell me whatcha get?!


August 11, 2008 at 1:11 PM  
Blogger the Muse said...


agreed :-)

It's like 50 cents per wipe or something..which isn't bad..and perfect for travel or to tote to the gym!

And cute don't forget cute..hehe!

August 11, 2008 at 1:12 PM  
Blogger Beauty Addict said...

Hey Izzy, this looks very doll-like cuteness ;) It's rather convenient for traveling as well.

Ooh..I love Biore wipeoff sheets. It id actually one that wipes off the thick layers of waterproof mascara and not too drying! :)

August 11, 2008 at 2:54 PM  
Blogger the Muse said...

hey gracie!

the cute gets me everytime hehe!

I like the biore ones too but I have a funny feeling you get much better ones your end than we do here ;)

August 11, 2008 at 4:17 PM  

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