MAC Sonic Chic
You know what time it is kids?
MAC color story time!
MAC is releasing three separate, awesome, amazing color stories on July 10th that are guaranteed to make you broke but happy!
Happiness is MAC after all isn't it?
One collection in particular that will get a majority of my cash is the Sonic Chic mineralized blushes! I'm all over it like white on rice!
Have you seen how absolutely stunning and gorgeous these guys are?
The Muse wants 'em! Nine shades of yum await you!
Want 'em?
Absolutely need them?
As greedy as the Muse for these?
Tell me what are you hauling!
I haven't even purchased these yet but they are getting a big, fat Muse Approval for purchase! They are obviously major flattering and I' can see myself shelling out the greenback for all nine shades!

Craving more MAC blush? Click here to read my MAC Beauty Powder Blush review and first impressions!
Just want more blush? Check out some of my past reviews on blushes by clicking through the posts below!
Click here to read my rave about the new RedPoint Airbrush Effects Blushwhip!
Click here to find out why I wasn't loving NYX Mosaic Powder Blush!
Labels: MAC
Is it just me or does that model actually have tuberculosis? I know MAC is a high end, "ultimate in fashion" brand, but do they have to promote deathly pallor and sunken eyes in the name of fashion... Dunno, just a thought from a happily chubby provincial :)
it's not you lol she does appear to have contracted some terrible disease by the looks of her ;-)
I heart MAC but I agree the models leave something to be desired!
And I'm a happily chubby short girl myself ;-) and proud of it!
Hehe! Let's unite and see if we can get MAC to feature us in an ad!
Laura wants these, infact I am dropping by MAC tomorrow and hoping they are in over here. They are on the website so fingers crossed!
Hey Muse! I bought Nuance online, and I swatched at our counter today, im pretty happy with the colour. Dainty was also very pretty. They are quite shimmery too!
laura they look fab right? I wants 'em all =-)
If you need help grabbing some give a yell! Plus they are cheaper my side wahooo!
hey nic!
Ugh so jealous! I checked my counter but they said officially July 10th! Yak! years away ;)
They all look lovely! I think I want all of 'em but need to swatch 1st!
Did you review yet?
hey Muse, nah not reviewed it. I shall leave that with you! ;)
aw shucks Nic you have to review it as you're gorgeous and I need to see how these look on a beautiful face as mine is all chubby hehe!
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