Atlantic City Steals and Deals
Happy Monday!
Seems you were treated to some Musings this weekend even though I wasn't around! I came back and noticed my Too Faced post was up! I was puzzled for a second how the heck it got posted but turns out I had scheduled the post date as the 29th instead of the 30th! Eep! So you got some Monday morning Musings on a Sunday instead! Nice for you, a mystery for me for a second! You now know my dirty little secret....I have tons of posts already written and scheduled to go! I'm telling you about this because I have quite a lot of comments to get through so I didn't want you think I was posting entries and ignoring you! I'll be replying to each of you shortly!
This is kinda sorta a different style of post for me today. I rarely write posts about weekends, vacations, life, etc....although some of you have expressed a keen interest in seeing photos from my vacations and such I sincerely doubt you come here to read about me, my life, and such! You do however come for the great cosmetics I'm sure hehe!
I personally don't want to bore you to tears about the details of my life or what I do on weekends and such however today I thought I'd slap some pics and such up from my little getaway in Atlantic City this weekend. This does have to kinda do with cosmetics which is why I decided to do the post!
I spend 5 out of 7 days behind a desk at work so when the weekend hits I like getting out and enjoying myself in a major way! Wahooo!
If you've never been to Atlantic City it's basically the New Jersey version of Vegas just alot smaller. It's a ton of different shops, casinos, clubs, restaurants, etc...all located on a huge strip of boardwalk complete with beach and ocean.
Recently they even added a ton of outlet shops a little ways off the boardwalk which is fab as you know I really love shopping! They have a slew of posh shops located at a mall on the boardwalk called The Pier Shops so if you're looking for LV, MAC, Lush,'d find it here!
However, if it's cheap you seek you can walk a few blocks down Michigan Ave and confront yourself with sincere shopping paradise such as the Banana Republic Outlet, Lancome Outlet, Converse Outlet, Etc.....
They have some amazing deals which are hard to pass up on! I was really selective about my purchases this weekend however I still managed to do some damage and came home with some great stuff from the Fall Collections plus loaded up on shoes, sneakers, clothes, etc....!
I won't be showing any of the Fall goodies I got quite yet however I will show you some of the freaking amazing deals that I seen about around!
Behold Glorious Cosmetics on Sale at the Lancome Outlet (If some pics are blurry it's because I took them in a rush as the SA's don't appreciate you walking around snapping photos in the store):

That lady in the blue shirt was stocking up like the world was going to run out of cosmetics! She had two baskets full! Phew I was exhausted just watching her!

Tons of Shu shadows, Shu blushes, Lancome palettes of all kinds, etc...all marked down and priced at 4 for $40!

Can someone shoot me? Is that the Destiny Cube I see for 4 for $40 bucks? How obscene! The Muse loves hers but didn't pay $10 bucks for the bloody thing! Revisit my review of the Lancome's Mystery Game Collection by clicking here!

It be Converse Time!

Rows of yummie Converse in fruity shades! Oops blurry pic! SA is in the back of me wondering what the hell I'm doing! Turns out he was sweet even offered to take a pic of me in the aisle with the thanks that's a bit too far!

Converse on sale? The Muse is on the case!

I ended up hauling five pairs of Converse for $120 USD! Plus no tax! Loves it! I didn't take a picture but I got a really awesome soft aqua pair that are simply yummie! They had tons for $19.98 USD which is a considerable discount as they normally range from $40 and up depending on style. I have 150 pairs to match every outfit already but I sincerely couldn't resist! It's the inner geek in me that demands I wear a pair of Converse even with a business suit!
Coach Outlet Hauling now! Look at that white shiny sign becking in the distant!

All shoes 20% Off? No tax? Ok, you talked me into it! Yes, designer brands too!

Heading to The Pier Shops! That's it on the right!


That water looks rather nice! Think they'll mind if I jump in and frolic about!

L@@K It's the Apple Store! Must go get my geek on inside!

Ahhh Lush! Soap time!

More shots of the mall:

Where's the sale? I see alot of people down there!

Heading to MAC!

The Art of Shaving! Love that store! MAC is next store!

Below are just some miscellaneous pictures I took! Hope it's not too boring!
Wild, Wild West Casino and Hotel

The Shore (You can literally see how humid it is! Yak!)

More Shopping at The Quarter

All hail Caesar!

Labels: Beauty Babblings, Pieces of Life, Shoes
Ahhh, next time take me with you! please please please please please.
Hiya Muse! It sounds like you had a great time at Atlantic City. I haven't been there in ages..but seeing all those great pics makes me want to go again very soon!!! XD
but of course laura ;)
We'd have a blast!
It's changed ALOT so if it's been years since you went you'll really enjoy the huge changes ;)
Where are you located if you don't mind me askin' ;)
Thanks for that, Muse! I´m quite interested in your daily life, because I´d love to live in NY (or anywhere in the US that´s halfway urban at that, wouldn´t want to land in North Dakota or so, lol)and always like getting the inside scoop ;)´
Luckily I´m getting another chance to visit NY this year, my hubbie will attend a medical conference in late November and of course I have to support him in everything he does (off to Sephora and the MAC PRO Store, WOOOOT!)
Great that you enjoyed your weekend,
OMY! I just died and went to sale Heaven! I'm from manila, philippines which basically aims to make every cosmetic products from the US twice it's regular price. these stores will be on my list to visit when i go for vacay there! :)
hiya Nell!
You're most welcome my dear. Aw thanks! ;) New York is fab. Plenty to do and see. Where are you from? If you told me I might have forgotten already I apoligize!
LOL Oh lord no...Dakota wouldn't be so great a place to land hehe!
Yes of course you're "supporting" him lol! After all MAC and Sephora are all very medical like. Skincare and the likes..very mediciney! ;)
If you need any help with cps from pro or sephora give a yell ;)
Thanks so much for the comment!
Have a fab day!
hi shen!
LOL! I love me some sales too! Aw I'm sorry :( I understand how crummy prices are abroad sigh ;(
They are good locations for hauling major deals! If you visit New York..woodbury commons and jersey gardens are great places to go too for killer outlet shops!
Art of Shaving AND Lush?!? Le sigh! I need to pick up some Razorantium and Prince Triple Orange Blossom (does that not sound like the name of an anime to you?) creams for me legs! I also need a shaving brush so I can shave my gams a la Izzy! The markup on Art of Shaving's products is ridunkulous, though, so it's not like I'd have bought anything from there. Window shopping!
Hi Muse! :)
Well, I'm one of those people who sent an email asking for you to comment on your travels, etc. so thanks for these pics!
They are awesome...especially the ones at The Quarter- just beautiful!
hey miss mandy!
I know! Enough places to buy product to shave...dare I say...even your face!
Yup Does indeed lol! Very manga like ;)
LOL! You just wanna be like me when you grow up dontcha ;)
I really love the shop but I concur the prices are obscene. Remember when Sephora used to sell the line 2 million years ago called e-shaving?
It was awesome! Kinda like tAoS but better!
hiya Anonymous!
Well thanks lovie. I'm always scared to post pieces of my life because I fear it'll bore the hell outta people ;)
aww thanks so much! I'm really glad you enjoyed them! The Quarter is simply lovely ;) Plenty of good eats and unique shops!
Thanks for the comment ;)
Yeah! Whatever happened to e-Shaving, anyway? Did it go the way of e-Toys and I really liked that razor stand.
Nuts to AoS! I just purchased a high quality Edwin Jagger brush from The English Shaving Company for $53, including shipping. Their e-mail invoice was so charming and delightfully Limey-sounding.
And yes, I want to be just like Izzy someday. :-D
Hiya Muse,
I'm up in New England, 30 miles from Cape Cod, 30 miles from my hometown of Providence, RI, and 45 miles from Boston. I am very much an east coast gal surrounded by water allover. XD
Ah! I still want the Bubble Balm! I'm still confused by descriptions of it! >.<
Your trip looked like lots of fun!
Aww... I'm so jealous!
Pack me in your suitcase next time too..
pretty city! so very different than the malls in malaysia! and the cosmetics on the shelf, i think it's like double or triple the amount we can get here in malaysia! and such good deals!
i wish i can go there someday :P
and have more post like this! it's like a mini vacation for poor people like me :P
love ya!
wow looks like you had a fun time! I went to the outlets on long island and saw the same 4 for 40 sale, but sadly there wasn't anything that screamed out by me right now! so sad....*cries*
Same way Deluxe Beauty went and Dessert Beauty...hehe! And it appears the same way BP is going now!
I dug all the cute colors! Damn sephora! They put people out of business!
It's great the invoice was wonderfully limey sounding as it'll make you cringe less at the fact you purchased a razor for $53! You'll feel better about your purchase if they throw a bit of cockney slang onto the invoice. I know if they serve me $50 fish and chips with a british accent I'm somehow happily digging into my pocket for the cash!
Don't worry little jedi I'll teach you the force.
morning lovely mc!
Oh how lovely. Land of the Ghost Hunters ;)
I've always wondered what it would be like to live up yonder. All that water and cool breeze! sigh..ahhh very romantic.
morning miss sarah!
Silly girl tricks is for kids. It's not bubble balm it's balms away lol!
check it:
It was ;) It was steaming hot but still good times to be had by all ;)
Hope you're well this fine Tuesday morning! Tis almost the weekend yay!
morning J!
But of course! ;) We can shop till we drop :)
morning plue!
Awww you never know! One day you might come!
You're rich in important things your beautiful personality ;) That's more important than the material crap ;)
Love ya back!
hiya Ethereal Prey!
It was ;) It was hot but fun!
Ya :( They had them at Woodbury too but nothing to be had sadly. It's one of those hit or miss types of things. Sometimes if you call the outlet they ship. So you might wanna try that.
The good news is you saved money ;) More for the Fall Collections hehe!
Nope, turns out e-Shave is still in business:
They have long-handled brushes that seem really well suited to legs/thighs.
Actually, TESC's razors are $80+ a pop; I just purchased the brush. Crabtree and Evelyn sells the same thing (but in an uglier color) for $85, and their CS people aren't half as polite (or Limey) as TESC's.
holy cow they are still in biz? That's awesome!
Amen the pandy will be hair free again!
I think these razors will end up the way of the clarisonic sitting on your bathroom vanity begging to be used ;)
reading your post makes me realize how much i love shopping! the pics all look like so much fun! i soooo need another shopping vacation, nevermind that I already spent a ton of money 2 weeks ago lol.
Hi there, hat a fun post. I am not too far from AC, although i get there rarely. so rarely in fact, I had NO idea there was a lancome outlet?? Oh my. I
There is so much more there now and it's the only Lush even remotely near for us Tri State ( PA, NJ, DE) gals.
BTW- wanted to throw in a comment on your slicing of the Primer Potion. wasn't sure whether to laugh or cry :) but- what you need is a guy with power tools. I plan on handing mine over to dad for a quick run thru on the band saw. Alternately, he says a Dremel tool would work great if you know any crafter types who have one.
I cannot belive you actually got it open with that knife. yikes.
Power, my dear. that will cut it.
Happy 4th
Whenever I see pictures of various cities in the US, I want to fly over! LOL. Plus, it's Winter here in Australia and I hate Winter so more reason for flying over!!
You hauled A LOT! :P Glad you like them all though :)
hi ' * : . b | u 3 . : * ' !
Me too ;) A bit too much lol!
Ahh bit by the shopping bug ;) I haven't seen your latest haul but must hop over and peek if you have it posted hehe!
hi Beauty Alchemist!
Thanks I'm so glad you enjoyed the post ;) It's a Designer Makeup Outlet but it's actually a Lancome one as they only carry Lancome brands hehe!
Ugh god I'd be lost without my Lush :)
Power tools sounds right to me! LOL! I needed a power drill to open it!
I might head to my dad too I bet he could slice it open easier. That's a good experiment lol. Take a new jar and have him slice it apart!
LOL and the knife was damn dull lmao!
Happy 4th to you too!
Hiya Julie!
Come on over :) I'll show you around!
I adore winter ;) and fall..better than the heat hehe!
I should have been a bit better about my hauling but I can't help myself!
Thanks for the comment!
Hi, I'm just curious. What program (if any) do you use to "schedule" your posts?
morning gloria!
Happy Monday lovie.
No program or app. It's built right into blogger. Just schedule the time, hit publish, and it'll publish at the time and date you selected ;)
Easy :)
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