Urban Decay Summer Collection Review
I've been having fun since last week testing out Urban Decay's Summer Collection for 2008! Weeeeeeeeee! I love new makeup don't you?
The good news is I'm loving it all! The bad news is the review is coming in several parts since I'm slowing testing it all out!
You might remember in my previous sneak peek of the Urban Decay Summer Collection 2008 post that I had almost all of the latest releases however in this post I am only reviewing the eyeshadows and the bronzers! Have no fear I'll definately bring you up to date information about the other items released as soon as I've tested them all out fully!
You might already know by reading my blog that I hate bronzers with a serious passion! I don't like a tan, I don't like the sun, I don't like bronzers, or bronzing or whatever you want to call it. I enjoy my pale skin thanks very much! I SPF myself to death in the Summer months in hopes I'll keep a nice fresh, milky complexion!
However, Urban Decay has changed my mind about bronzers in a major way! Oh my I can't believe I'm admitting this!
I've been using Urban Decay's Baked Bronzer for about two weeks now, almost every day! I've been creating look after look after look using it and I sincerely cannot get enough of it! I'm really in love and I'm about to slap a hearty Muse Approval on this fantastic little compact in two seconds!
I'm shocked to say that I actually like a bronzer but this is seriously like no other bronzed powder I've tried before. It doesn't give me that bad orange glow nor does it give me a dark tanned look! The looks I achieved with it are more a golden peachy glow that I think looks amazing on my skin! My skin didn't change color when I used this. I'm not sporting a bad tan at the moment which is total plus for me as I hate looking tanned ugh (brings out my double chin yuk!).

The color of the bronzer is more of a gold shimmer that blends beautifully on the cheeks to create a glowing, healthy look that I've just fallen madly in love with! It's enough color to look sun kissed but it's not over done to the point I looked "baked". I think my main reason for falling so deeply in love with this is it quite reminds me of a MAC MSF but without the chunky glitter.

The first few times I used this it was over a peachy blush but I proceeded to use it by itself the past few days and I noticed that the effect remains the same! I keep getting this beautiful glowing shimmer to my skin that's gold with hints of peach.
I think I may have overdone it in some of my FOTD's in all honesty as it looks like I stepped into the sun and stayed there a bit too long but I honestly dug the look. You'll have to tell me what you think!

The compact is $24 USD and well worth your hard earned cash since the powder doubles up as an eyeshadow! I've used this both on my face and my lids to create a beautiful "touch of gold" look!
Here's an FOTD of me using Urban Decay Baked Bronzer on both my face and my eyes! I didn't use anything else on my face just the bronzer so you can get a general idea of the color and how it looks on!

Definitely a love for the Muse!
If you hate bronzers please for the love of god try this one! It's amazing! The Muse Approves in a major way (and you know I don't stick the Muse Seal of Approval on anything! Try this! Now!).

It's been a while since Urban Decay has released any eyeshadows. They did come out with the Matte shadows in the Fall but they failed to interest me as you know I'm a shimmer girl! They also came out with the loose pigment shadows but I have most of the colors in the Deluxe eyeshadows so it seemed pointless to indulge in these! I own almost every color Urban Decay has put out! If you watched my "Stash Video" you know that I have every single color known to man and some that aren't even around anymore! I'm a big time fan of the shadows! Of course when I heard two new eyeshadow colors were being released I was all over it like wildfire!

The two newest colors are Rush and Blaze. Honestly, you might be thinking how shimmery these are or how glittery but good news for the glitter haters they aren't overloaded with shimmer or glitter. They blend perfectly with minimal to no fall out!
One color that could be an interesting, cheaper dupe of NARS Galapagos Eyeshadow would be Rush. Rush is described as a coppery bronze where as Galapagos is a chocolate brown with gold infusion! Both appear similar colors but I haven't yet seen Galapagos in person so I'm unsure!

As you can see from the pictures they look quite similar but the Urban Decay version is much cheaper! I haven't gotten my hands on Galapagos yet but as soon as I do I'll be sure to do swatch comparisons!
I was wary of Rush at first as it just appears sorta blah in the pot but after application I was delighted at how well it went with the Baked Bronzer!
Here's an FOTD of me using Urban Decay Baked Bronzer and Urban Decay Eyeshadow in Rush:

I might have been slightly wary of trying out Rush but I had no problems jumping in with two feet when it came to Blaze. Blaze is such a beautiful shimmery golden peach that looks so amazing on! I fell deeply in love just by swatching but once I had it on my lids it was most definately true love!

Here's an FOTD of me using Urban Decay Baked Bronzer yet again and Urban Decay Eyeshadow in Blaze:

I'm extremely pleased so far with Urban Decay's Summer Collection. I have to say that I wouldn't normally purchase these particularly shades for myself so I'm very happy I had the chance to test something a little bit different! I'm delighted with both shadows and the bronzer and I definately give them a go ahead for purchase!
Here's a few swatches to help you out with your purchasing (do ignore the fact that I labeled the Baked Bronzer wrong! It's not "Half Baked" it's just "Baked"):
Without Flash

With Flash

So far Urban Decay's Summer Collection is fast turning into a favorite release for me this season!
Urban Baked Bronzer and Urban Decay Eyeshadows in Rush and Blaze get a big Muse Approval for purchase!

Do have a click over to the Urban Decay website for more information on the Summer releases plus face charts!
Love Urban Decay?
Want any of this?
My ears (and eyes) are open! Speak to the Muse!
Stop back soon to hear about the rest of the Urban Decay Summer Collection including the new colored Big Fatty Mascaras!
Labels: Face of the Day, Reviews, Summer Collections 2008, Swatches, Urban Decay
Honey you look mighty beautiful and the bronzer has shot its way to the top of my wish list.
I usually hate anything bronzing or tanning or darkening or whatever....anything that adds extra darkness to my skin is usually from the devil and i live in SPF 50!!!
But this looks like it might be mighty wonderful for me eyelids so come June 15, i'm going on a search for this.
hey Allysia-May!
Aw shucks honey thanks! I heart it. I know I probably totally over did it with the kabuki brush but I was really loving it ;)
Believe you me I DETEST anything to do with the sun! But this gives me such a gorgeous glow! I'm SHOCKED I loved it so much!
I think it'll look fab on your skin tone and your eyes! Give your skin a bit of a pop! I felt like it popped on my skin :)
I'm eager for the shopping ban to be over hehe ;)
I was hoping the two shadows were going to look muddy on pale skin... but they are absolutely GORGEOUS on you!
That means I have to buy them. Curses!
...Me and my new obsession with neutrals... *shakes head*
hey cakey babe!
How are you today lovie?
I have to say I thought the same thing! I was worried these would look mighty strange on but they look really nice! Oh my thanks...I was thinking gorgeous *blush* but thanks lovie :)
lol! but they are neutrals with a POP! wahoo!
Oh Izzy!
Don't SPF yourself to death! I loves you no matter what color you are! I'd love you even if you'd been tango'd, my pasty white turtledove!
i know mandy i know. believe me i know how your worship at the alter of my gleaming white body ;)
I should remember never to sip anything liquid when I read your posts :P
Hey you were seeking a bronzer is this one Pandy Approved?
Must. get. bronzer. Muse. twists. rubber. arm. again.
Ha! I am going to Sephora tomorrow to return the black cherry big fatty mascara, looked horrible on me, so I may have to just switch it for the bronzer. Or the indigo mascara. Most likely ... both!
Looks beeeeuiful on you dahling! I hope it makes me look half as good.
Big hugs,
I love, love, love Urban Decay. And now that you've posted these swatches, I'm lemming Rush something awful. It looks really fantastic on you.
Worship it, pray to it, offer it animal sacrifices -whatever you want, just to drown yourself in Coppertone, my love! It's not worth it!
Hey Izzy, the bronzed cheeks aren't your usual colour but nevertheless u still look great! I like the UD bronzer on your eye lids as well. Subtle touch of neutral look! :)
Love the 2nd photo from bottom of u! Your chicks look oh-so-lovely to pinch..hehe ;)
You look great in all FOTDs!! Blaze really look nice... :)
You go with your bronzer, girl! I think it's one of your best looks. Liked you in Bobbi Brown Raspberry palette too.
I haven't used bronzer...unless BE Warmth counts. But now I wanna try yours. How long did it last? I don't reapply makeup during the day, so I like it to go to at least about 4pm.
LOL critty :)
Aw shat! It didn't work? :( damnit! I was planning on pairing it with some sort of cranberry shadow...Hmmm! We shall see how it comes out!
Someone said it works great with brown too!
wait for my review on the indigo :) I'm doing it soon!
Aw shucks thanks critty :) Your comments always make my day! *hugs*
hiya Meredith!
Me too! It used to be my top brand prior to my love affair with MAC! Thank you so much Meredith *hugs* I was worried about rushing not looking right but it looks nice on!
mandy hello love of my life.
I'd rather your worship at my feet than the Sun Gods ;)
morning gracie me love.
Thanks honey. I like that I can multitask it on my face and eyes. That's always a plus with a product :)
LOL thanks gracie ;)
No pinching hehe!
hey serene!
Thank you lovie!
I love Blaze! Very nice peachy color! Would look fab on you serene!!!!!!!!!
hiya anonymous !
LOL thanks very much!!!!!!!!!!
I've never used a bronzer prior to this myself. Only swatched bronzers and they all scare me!
It lasted all day. It started to fade around 7:30pm or so....and I applied around 5am. No touch ups inbetween aside from powdering my nose. I'm the same way. I hate having to reapply. I rarely do so.
I think it's safe to say it'll last until 4 or more!
Thanks for your gorgeous comment/compliments!
Hope to see you again in my comment box :)
Evil evil Izzy!! Trying to tempt me with more products again! :P But I do love the colour Blaze! I'm trying so hard to resist as I just got my Japanese loot.... :(
hey serene hehehehehe :)
I'm thinking ALL of this would look amazing on you from the pics I've seen of your skin you'd glow with any of this on!
Ooooo :) Japanese wahoo!
I've been so busy haven't reviewed my lootyet ;)
Orh.... Izzy... :( I know these colours suit my face thats why I'm trying my best to resist u!! Is
Rush similar to Copperized from MAC? How much is shipping from UD again?
hey serene ;) hehe! I've created a few lemmings have I?
No not at all like cooperized. Much different I think. I'll see if I can swatch side by side.
I dunno....from US to Singapore not sure what they are chargin' but they do ship internationally I think!? If not I'll pick them up for you if you like!
I owe you some mails I think they jsut got piled under a ton of other emails!
Will reply soonish ;)
OOH La La!!
I have yet to try any UD stuff besides primer potion. It's about time I try now, huh?
hey gee :)
I'm a ud addict ;) Just ask and I shall review hehe!
You must try some they make awesome shadowsz!
Muse, I'm debating whether or not I want this bronzer...it looks fantastic especially for us pale ladies but is it similar to MAC's Warmed MSF? It looks like it?
hiya vivien!
I must say that this is pretty bloody nice for the fair folk :) Normally bronzers make my face chunkier than it already is but this made me look very healthy and gorgeous....Hmmmmmmmmm I have Warmed..will have to do a swatch test and get back to you! I think this has more of a glimmer where as warmed was very matte for an MSF this time around. They really did away with the chunky glitter in those two MSF releases!
I'll def check and get back to you on that!
Hi again Izz!
Gotta ask, is this shade actually called Gilded? I'm gonna order it myself, started lemming for some kinda golden highlighter, don't think I'll get that Chanel one or Dior Shimmer powders now at all..
hiya mizz x :)
How are you?
It is :) Gilded is the one I tried and the one released with the Summer Collection :)
This is much better. I got the Chanel and it's gorgeous but this one is actually better in my humblest and cheaper too!
Hi, thanks, I'm alright, you're a bit stressed? Well, make up heals all as we know.
You have that new Chanel one? When are we going to hear about it? : ))) Would love some swatches, how is it on skin? UD's not really my favourite brand but this product has gotten praises, so.. (I'm off to bed soon, just hit midnight here ; )
hiya mizz x!
Ugh yea ;)
I do indeed.
Very soon :)
I got some killer swatches. It's very nice on it actually makes a better shadow than a blusher lol!
It's really brilliant...I don't like bronzers but this gets aces with me! I think you'll be happy you brought it ;)
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