Majolica Majorca Mascara Review
I think it's about time that Majolica Marjorca Mascara had a review of it's own don't you? I get tons and tons and tons of questions, e-mails, comments, and general chitter about MJ (MJ is just short for Majolica Marjorca) mascara daily. Readers ask me about it constantly and I'm here to finally give a proper review of it because it's my personal choice for favorite mascara! I use many different mascaras but MJ remains forever after my favorite mascara! I recommend this as if I have an endorsement plan with Shiseido!

I wish I could say MJ was readily available at your local drugstore but, sadly, it's not. MJ entire line is exclusive to Japan however the Muse highly recommends searching the internet and scoring yourself some because MJ's mascara comes with my highest seal of approval!

I haven't run across a mascara better then the Majolica Majorca's Lash Expander or as I deemed it Lash Extender. The name changes all the time as new versions are released but always, aside from small differences, the formula remains the same great mascara.
Each Season a new version is released of this fine Mascara and each Season it gets better and better and better.
There are two versions available of the mascara one of which is what I personally prefer using. That version is the Majolica Majorca Lash Expander. The other version is the Lash Enamel Glamour.
Hmmm so what's the difference anyway?
Lash Enamel Glamour promises volume where as Lash Expander lengthens.
I find that Majolica Majorca's Lash Enamel Glamour does a crummy job with volume and extending lashes. For me the formula feels different compared to the expander. Whenever I use it my lashes clump, appear spiky, and my overall look is normally ruined! Thus I'm not a fan or supporter of Lash Enamel!
However, The Lash Expander is a different story altogether. Each versions promises new lengths for your lashes which always makes me giggle but it's all rather true sort of. The versions keep going higher and higher with the lengths you can achieve on your lashes. 10x's, 20x's, etc...etc...
Honestly, the claims are somewhat true. You can lengthen your lashes a whole hell of alot using this. My lashes are full already but this makes them look amazingly longer, fuller, and beautiful! Almost as if I am sporting falsies however the look remains much more natural!
The formula doesn't smudge, flake, or cause general raccoon eye drama! It lasts all day and into the night (Yes, it's waterproof!)! It keeps curl beautifully in my opinion and my lashes don't feel heavy when on! The newest edition actually has some sort of conditioning oils in the formula which makes my lashes feel very soft.
I can't rave enough about this. It's honestly the best mascara I've come across and believe you me I've tried plenty. The applicator is a comb style which enables you to comb on the mascara. Yes, this might be scary to a few of you and some that just hate applicators like this but for me it does an amazing job of combing out my lashes, lengthening, and keeping the curl all day! I feel like the comb works well at disturbing the product and brushing it on and I believe it's completely responsible for the building up the length of your lashes.

Last Fall MJ introduced a primer to go along with it's mascara. I wasn't particularly thrilled with the primer as it had way too many fibers and it didn't appear to do much. In all honestly I don't feel like I need to prime when using MJ mascara as it does the job well enough minus primer. I felt like the release of the primer was somewhat useless and turns out, for me, it is. I don't like fiber mascaras in all honesty and I felt like the primer was fiber rich which caused me to feel like I had little hairs in my eye or something. It deserves to be mentioned that although MJ mascara is advertised as a fiber mascara at times it does not contain fibers that I've noticed in the formula! The formula quite reminds me of black ink! It has the exact same texture ink would! Sounds weird I know but I promise it works amazingly well!
Majolica Majorca Lash Base

As I had mentioned earlier each Season MJ releases a new formula of the mascara. Some Seasons the releases are colored or glittery. Last Summer they released a blue version of the mascara which got a total rave from me! And this Christmas they released a silver glittery overcoat which got another HOORAY! from the Muse!
Majolica Majorca Glitter Topcoat

Majolica Majorca Blue Mascara

The Early Summer release brings us a new and exciting color! I'm very eager to lay my hands on the new mascara as it's being released in a very beautiful burnt orange color!
No matter the formula or the color Majolica Majorca definately gets a Muse Seal of Approval for purchase!

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Labels: Japanese Brands, Majolica Majorca, Reviews
lovely M&M haul! I never bought anythin from M&M cos I always went for KATE lol. But the other day i bought a M&M eye pencil and lipgloss from adambeauty!!
hey nics!
How are you?
I LOVE MJ with a passion :)
Did you get a jeweling pencil? They are fab ;)
The glosses are bril as well!
;) Can't wait for you to get 'em and review!
i love my MJ mascara but i have to say it's a pain in the butt for me to apply and remove (i always end up getting it on my eyelid for some reason). but it holds curl like no other and gives my lashes a look no other mascara has ever been able to, and so of course i love you for turning me onto this!
no no no noooo Muse!!! where am I going to find this in Malaysia.... beside blusher, i love mascara as well but its so hard to find a holygrail. so far all i use is from maybelline.. and they are so so.. sigh.. :(
Glitter topcoat?! What more could a girl want?! Love the blue too. I am resisting your Japanese brands. But. don't. know. how. much. longer. I. can. hold. off. willpower. getting. so. weak.
I bought the lash enamel one, instead of lash expander actually. But it works really well to me (yay!). I used to use maybelline, cuz my friends said it's the best mascara but honestly it was dissapointing. I'm not playing with make up that much, so, many thx to Muse for sharing your review.
hey jen!
Sometimes for me too. I'm unable to get it fully off so I need to use makeup remover then I wash my face to remove the remainder!
awww I'm so glad I turned you into it. It's by far my most favorite mascara around ;)
Cheers to MJ Mascara users ;)
hiya ping!
Honey from what I understand it's available within Malaysia. Check your local ds? If not you can get it for fairly ok price at :)
hi critty :)
every girl needs glitter topcoat hehehe ;)
I shall break down your willpower and get you into Japanese cosmetics ;)
hi Ay!
I don't really like the enamel one for some reason. But good to hear it works fab for you ;) w00t!
mmm maybelline is definately not one I like no offense. Flakes horribly :(
Aw you're most welcome :)
It's my pleasure to review it!
Many hugs!
Thanks for the comment!
Glitter = love! Now I'm dying to get my hands on that glitter top coat.
I had a friend buy me Lashes Extend Elegantly, and it's one of the best mascaras I've ever used. It's a #*@&$ to remove, but the fact that it holds my curl all day, I can't complain!
These have really pretty tubes! I've actually never heard or seen these before.
You always have things I've never seen and I always to buy them after reading about them!!
That last pic with the blue looks uber HOT! I want :P
great review..i'll keep my eyes open for that product, the wand! I love it! Kinda reminded me of the mascara i'm using right now FASIO (this is the same company with Kanebo) japanese brand as well :)
i want that blue one! does it show up vibrantly on your lashes?
wow, the packaging sure is pretty..!!
reallY? do you have any idea is it online or shop? haha thanks babe! will try to loook for it
hello beautiful Emilee!
How are you?
I agree glitter definately equals love ;)
The top coat is still around here and there! get it before it's gone :)
I agree although difficult to remove it lasts, lasts, and lasts all day and keeps curl so beautifully!
Thanks for dropping by!
hiya gee!
They do indeed ;)
I sadly create way too many lemmings for makeup lovers ;)
If you need help locating these give a yell as a few online shops carry it for good prices :)
also still owe you swatches for the mac lippies! Get to it soon okee?
I LOVE the blue! It's gorgeoussssss!
hiya Askmewhats!
If you need help finding it let me know ;) The wand really makes application a snap! Fasio is sadly not my favorite brand as it has way too many fibers :(
I am currently lemming the sparkling eyeshadow palettes from Fasio have you tried it?
Thanks for the comment!
hiya ' * : . b | u 3 . : * '!
It does indeed make your lashes very vibrantly blue. I sport it with blue eyeshadow and aqua shadow for sorta a mermaid look! Really pretty ;)
hey gez!
I wanted to be sure to get the pics right for the packaging as I thought that was an important aspect of it. Product works amazing plus packaging is delightfully cute :)
heya ping!
but of course love. You can get it at and he'll ship for about $2 USD ;)
if you get it let me know as I want to know what you think ;)
hey thanks for replying, I haven't tried fasio's sparkle shadow! I have to rush out and take a look! and sad to say we don't have MJ here, not unless I order online..NOT ANOTHER HAUL! hahaha
thanks dear! *hugs*
hey askmewhats ;)
The sparkle shadow palettes look very nice. Someone had rated them as a 3 or 4 on MUA! They come with I think 3 shadows (or four) and they look very nice. They aren't heavy on shimmer but it's more of a subtle sparkle! Very pretty!
Someone had mentioned that MJ was available in stores so I was confused about that! Now I see it must be online shopping ;)
LOL I hear that NO MORE HAULS! but but but summer collections are here ;)
Many hugs lovie!
If you need help finding the shadows or the MJ for that matter just give a yell as there are a few inexpensive places to purchase online!
Oh I love the pretty blue one!
I'll have to give this mascara a try on my next oversea order.
hiya tink ;)
blue is my fav!
You're most welcome *hugs*
i love love love this review of yours!
MJ mascara are definitely good!!!
For the price i get online + shipping, it cost almost the same as a loreal double extension or a mac mascara :P and honestly, i think it's very well worth the price!!
i'm sorry to hear you don't like maybelline, cuz i think the volume turbo boost is the best of all it's range! the others are well, so so once i've used other brands like MJ :P
i heard raves reviews of the lash enamel glamour, i wanted to try it out, but den you had it clumpy n stuff, i'm a bit afraid already to try :P i can't stand clumpy stuff and i hate things to go to waste! half hearted now...
sigh~ wanna get the new eye pallete, but the colours dun quite excite me... any good recommendations for their palletes?
hiya 心。葵!
thank you very much :) MJ makes a great mascara dont they!?
The mascara for me is worth at least $30! And the idea that it retails for just under $13 in Japan is so amazing as it's a great brand of mascara!
Maybelline flakes on me awful :( I should give it another try and see what I think ;)
I really don't like the lash enamel at all. The lash expander is much much better for me!
I'm the same. When I buy something, even if I hate it, I use it b/c I hate wasting it :(
The new colors, aside from the aqua isn't so fab. Did you want shadow colors or Majolook palette recs? I have almost all the shadows and the Majolook palettes ;) hehe!
i have a few of their single shadows but haven use them tho :P
i wud love to see all the shadows and Majolook palletes :D
the aqua shade from the pallete,
it's lovely on you, but i doubt it will look good on me, i always have a problem with green or blue or aqua-ish eyeshadows~
but the PK740 n BR742 is lovely but i have lots of shades similar to it... my stila pallete is a mixed of both palletes of pinks and browns >_<
but then again, i just might get the 2, and half hearted for the aqua :P
difficult choice indeed~
hi 心。葵!
They are good! Use them ;) I actually have all the majolook palettes up on my blog do a search :) I'll do some FOTD's as well this week if I have time!
Thanks so much *hugs*
I love aquas ;)
maybe wait to see if anything new bops up for late summer releases? You never know!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi there,
Do you know if "My Lashes Extend Elegantly" is the same as "Lash Expander?" I ordered the Expander, but received the former. Same formula with different name?
hi christina!
This is the brand new formula for Spring and it is indeed the same but a tiny tiny bit different :)
If you see my review of the MJ Spring Collection you'll see the difference in this particular version!
It's perfect and very good ;)
Here's the review for that particular mascara:
You got yourself a great mascara there :)
I hope you like it!
Do stop back and let me know how you are enjoying it!
I just got the Majolica Majorca Lash Expander-neo. I was just wondering what is the difference between lash expander and lash expander neo?
Neo was released last fall I believe. It promised 120X length :)
That's the only difference. Promise of a new lengths for our lashes ;)
The formula was about the same as the standard mascara and the neo just replaced the old version.
it's the white tube or the gold/black tube?
hi!Its the black/gold tube.. I really love this mascara! I never knew about this until I read your review. :) Thank you!
hi mae!
A ha! That's just the new version than :) same thing as what I have here :)
I'm so pleased you are enjoying it ;)
You're most welcome it's my pleasure!
I'm sure if you look you'll find a few items here at Musings you may never have tried before!
Thanks for the comment ;)
hi darling~
was wondering
is mascara base a must?
is MJ's base a transparent one when dries or it's whitish in colour???
hiya plue!!!!
not at all love. I rarely use base :)
It's white in color and dries transparent :) You can't see your wearing it after your mascara is applied ;)
so it does dries down to a transparent mode
unlike kate, it stays whitish and i need to layer on mascara to cover it up~
i sometimes use the base becuz volumizing mascara are often too heavy for my lashes >_<
after curling, mascara and my lashes goes down almost immediately.
hiya plue
sorry for the delay me love.
it does indeed. kate makes a mess! I always have little white fibers after I apply my mascara :(
aw damn :( have you tried curler keeper spray? that sometimes helps keep them up and perky!
Hi there, i've bought myself a MJ mascara since there's so much rave on it. However i couldn't find any lash expander or lash expander neo on the rack but i got one beikng described as "LASH BEAUTIFYING MASCARA BK999". I'm just curious whether it is the same as the highly raved expander.
hi sim!
Sorry for the delayed reply bit backed up with comments!
Lash Beautifying Mascara? I believe that's from the Fall should be the same as the expander..only difference is the formula is sometimes a tad bit different from prior releases...but mostly it's the same ;)
Hope this helps!
hi muse! i got some of these from Taiwan the last time i was there. goth 120% lash expander but am looking for one that's best for voluminizing..hope u can help!
hi muse! i'm just posting again because i dont know if my comment went through. the internet is a little off!
anyway i'm currently using the 120% lash expanding mascara but want one tht's good for voluminizing. not sure which one tht is and hope you can help! :)
hi div sorry for the delayed reply!
They are all good for volumizing love. Any of the versions that have currently been released do a good job plumping lashes however lash ENAMEL is the one that's for volumizing but I've alwas noticed it's about the same as the extender!
Hope this makes sense and helps!
who can tell me where can i get MJ? I really want to give it a try. I am in Houston. Thank you.
hi patricia
do check out my japanese cosmetics buyer's guide maybe it'll help
I have the lash enamel and its my favourite mascara. Clump-freeeee and looks soooooo natural. I haven't tried the lash expander though so I'm not sure if its better than the lash enamel. I'm gonna try the lash expander one soon. OH and majolica majorca is available here in malaysia as well :DD
hi dila!
Yayaya so glad m'asia has mj :-D it's my hg mascara...good stuff. I like lash expander a bit better than enamel but both are really good :-D
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