Lee Jun Ki or Shin Sung Woo?
Ok I need some help.
I'm debating with myself on ordering two DVD's so I thought I'd ask you lovely ladies to see if you've seen them yet.
First one is Virgin Snow.

I heart Lee Jun Ki in a major way. He's so bloody cute and all that emo crying in My Girl just makes me want him more! I really should feel like biatch slapping him after all that sniffling but it just made me sit there with a box of tissues while yelling at the telly screen "Pick me damnit! Pick me!"
I admit the fact that the cover art displays his hair all chopped off is slightly turning me off but he did look kinda sorta hot with it cut short in Time Between Dog and Wolf BUT even though it was short it still had the fem edge too it. Seriously obviously Lee Jun Ki is hot because he got a major bishōnen vibe going on. Don't even deny you don't think he's hot because of that! I'll call your lie out if you do!
The Muse no likey short hair!

Ahhh much better! The Muse likey alot! Why oh why did he chop it all off?

Who's seen Virgin Snow? And is it worth buying?
Second on my list is Country Princess.

Obvious reasons why I want this. Shin Sung Woo.
But I dunno I'm not so into the story line!? Seems to typically K-Drama for me.
Anyone see it?
Comment box is open! I could sure use the recommendations as I don't wanna splurge out $70 for a new K-Drama that's going to put me to sleep and as for Virgin Snow it's not so expensive but I'm in high debate if I want it. I could always turn the volume off and just stare at the screen drooling but then it'd cost me $20 to do that!
So give me recs!
Thank ye!
The Muse loves you with all her heart!
PS JUST THESE TWO! Please don't hang out in my comment box being evil and recommending me K-Drama's left and right otherwise I won't likes you any more! You know how I am when it comes to this stuff and if you start rec'ing me titles I'm going to end up with a cart full of 24 episode Korean Dramas! Be nice to the Muse she hasn't even watched the last one's you recommended her!
I'm kidding of course ;) I love when you guys rec me stuff but be gentle as I'm picturing the comments flying now about what I should or shouldn't be watching and my cart getting bigger and bigger and bigger as I trust your opinions on this serious, serious matter hehe!
Labels: Babbling Bits, K-Dramas, Pieces of Life
hey musey~~
anw, i think that he's cute even w short hair. looks slightly more manly. hehe.
and im sorry i cant offer any help.
havent watched any of those two yet.
i seldom watch korean dramas.
in fact, i've only watched my girl, and full house.
oh cant u find them on youtube?
or crunchyroll?
im planning to watch coffee prince after my exams~
it's a k drama too right?
if i manage to find any of the video you're interested in online, i'll let u know!
I LOVEDDDDDD HIM IN MY GIRL. wayyyyyyy more than the main guy lol XD
and you gotta watch 1L of tears. ITS SO. GOODDDDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!
and i loveddddddddddddddddd the visee palette!!!!!!!!! its just SOOOOOOO PRETTYYYYYYY!!!!!! even though theres only like..1mm of space on my eyes to apply it, but yea XD hehe pretty pretty stuff~~
how are youuuuu?!!
lol sorry got excited and commented before reading *hehehe*....and techincally, i didnt recommend 'K-Drama's left and right'. i recommneded ONE j-drama XP
wen! How are you?
He's mine step away! hehe!
I like the fem edge with the longer hair for some reason.
aw don't worry honey :) I'm just happy to see you here! It's been ages!
I loved my girl too ;) I can but I'd rather sit in front of my telly to watch. Sitting hunched over my pc holds little appeal :P
You're going to love CP! It was fab! It is indeed Korean.
Thanks lovie!
Missed ya!
LOL true Helly you only rec'ed one but I had about 5 other people suggesting titles ;) You know I love you and I'm only kidding ;) Rec away ;) I love hearing anything you have to say *mwah* Been ages since you've commented!
I loved him too! I was routing for him in my girl :) All those tears had me gushing all over the place!
1L of Tears? Got a link? Doesn't sound familiar!
I was on cozy and someone had mentioned something called Lucifer. That caught my eye. Have you seen /heard about it?
I got the new Spring Visee Palettes ;) I'm going to review 'em shortly!
I'm fantastic how about you? Been ages since I seen you!
I LOVE LEE JUN KI "drools", pretty boys does the thing for me ;), i haven't watch the movie, gotta search for it, seems interesting, but i heard its a sad story (sorry if i got my info wrong hehehh), i haven't watch the drama but if im correct i loved him (Shin Sung Woo) in one percent of everything, this drama im not so sure hehehhe :).
bliss pretty boys SOOOOOOO do it for me too and he's too beautiful!
oh I'm glad you mentioned that. If it's sad I don't wanna see it. I hate crying all over the place when boy loses girl or girl loses boy. Too dramatic for me lol!
oh sheesh that means he's not in any of it? BLAH!
OMG! You like K-dramas? Haha! I've actually heard or even watched these two~ But then again, I'm not really into Korean media (I'm Korean, did you know?)
You know the Lake House with Sandra & Keanu was based off a Korean movie? They're coming up with a American version of My Sassy Girl!!
I used to watch K-dramas, but not so much anymore. My absolute faves are Lovers in Paris and Love Story in Harvard~~~ <3
gee I'm a self confessed addict when it comes to Kdrama :)
I didn't know you were Korean! Awesome ;)
Born and raised?
I know! hehe! And of course the Korean version in my opinion was way better ;)
Love Story in Harvard Kim Rae-won AHHH ;) Who's looking very nice lately with his hair cut shorter ;)
have u watch "my sassy girl" its really good and funny..its a korean movie =)
I haven't watched Virgin Snow, but I've seen a few episodes of Country Princess and liked it. I dunno if I should recommend based on a few episodes though, since I liked What Happened in Bali at first too, and then when I got to the end... XD
I need to start watching dramas again...
haha, lee jun ki. he's quite easy on the eyes, isn't he? ;) this is a cf i saw when i was in korea two summers ago, and i thought it was too cute.
the second drama with shin sung woo was good. i watched it years back when i was still renting kdramas on vhs but i do remember laughing a lot, and then crying to balance it out. more than shin sung woo, i'm really into the other dude, kang dong won.
check out mysoju.com. it's a site that has a massive amount of asian dramas and movies. maybe you'll be able to save some cheddar that way? ;) but if you're anything like me, you'll probably just WANT TO HAVE the actual drama set. that's how i am...hehe
you're so cute, muse. i love that you're into asian stuff. i so want to send you a little package of cute korean items!!!
Virgin Snow!!
Hi Muse!
I heart Lee Jun Ki too ^^
he had a haircut because he got a role in Time Between Dog and Wolf in which he worked for the national intelligence office. it's a really gooood drama btw!
awwwww, thanks honey~ XD
haha, and yeaa, leejunki had way more feeling and even though i really really dun like girly guys and they scare me, LJK IS LOVE. lol XD hahhha
http://www.jdorama.com/drama.959.htm is the link to 1 L of Tears...Ryou Nishikido IS. HOT. his voice is <333333333
and sorry, havent really been commenting, but rest assured i do check here everyyyyyyyyyy day at least twice XD unis just been really reallllllyyyyy busy :(
take careeeee
hiya anonymous!
Yes indeed!!!!!!!!!! It's a fav of mine! are you talking about the one with Jun Ji-hyun? Or the other movie that was released recently? I seen both :)
hi hana!!!!!!!
Why not? Do share. Is it sad? :( Or is it the jealous type story plot?
Tell me tell me ;)
hiya serenity!
I was just reading your K-Drama blog and loving it!
god yes he is isn't he? He's truly a beautiful boy. Yum!
LOL you'll have to translate but I got enough of it to laugh! I'm especially loving when he holds up the mirror! LOL!
kang dong won has a certain something about him. I think maybe it's sorta the baggyiness under his eyes..that sounds so weird..but it adds character and it kinda gives him a rough edge!
HOLY COW! I just surfed quickly onto my soju and damn! That's alot of media right there! Good for procrastinating at work! And you are correct I am very anal and I want to OWN the set and have it all pretty! I even go for the LE presses b/c they feel more important *blush* is that very strange do you think!?
I remember when Windstruck came out and nothing else would do but a LE press from directly from Korea. I absolutely could not get the import hehe. It was terribly important to have the amazing box art on the LE version. Lord I am so diseased.
awww shucks *blush* Thanks. As I said over in your blog, in my next life I'm going to be Korean, Japanese, or British ;) hehehe!
Thanks for your comment and looking forward the "K-Drama's: Part 2"
Hi Julie!
Was it good!?!?!??!
hiya charlieee!
Me too. *swoon(
I actually purchased Time Between Dog and Wolf and knew he had gotten his hair cut for it :) it was a great drama and VERY different for him wasn't it?!
hi helly!!!!!!!
You're most welcome :) *mwah*
LOL NOOOOOOO don't say that :) I love girly boys ;) LOL I'm laughing reading this part "they scare me" hehe!
aw thanks I'm reading now on the site ;)
Visee is coming on Friday :) I'm working on FOTD's which is why it took me AGES to post it ;) Although the new palettes are a snore :P same stuff they already have sigh :P and the mascara blows!
I need the loose powders as I failed to get any this round.
Aww thanks for always dropping by ;) do comment when you have time! Love hearing from ya!
Hi Muse, My Girl is good..so touching in the end! Anyway, u should try Witch Yoo Hee. It's not really the conventional love story..Interesting :)
hiya grace! Aw yes so sweet!
I really do need to watch Witch Yoo Hee! So many people say it's fab ;)
If I see it I'll review it!
u can try watchin virgin snow frm crunchyroll.com
but personally i feel its really slowpaced
thanks jess :)
I'll take a lookee on crunchy roll first!
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