Random Acts of Iris
This post is ridiculously long over do. It should have been posted months ago but the Muse gets swamped to say the least!
My good friend Iris, who lives in Singapore, sent me over a package of yummy goodies a few months ago. I meant to blog these because I wanted to gush over what she got me but I've been so terribly swamped that I didn't have the chance.
Now I do.
Excited aren't you?
First of all I should say Iris and I have the strangest little friendship. Although we don't talk often because we are always so busy with life, the universe, and everything we still manage to stay good friends. I'd like to think it's because we are so much alike. Iris is very special to me and she's just done too many things for me to count. She's always gone out of her way for me. Listening to me rant about my blog, lugging home ridiculously large packages of Japanese cosmetics and sending them out to me via airmail, randomly sending me lovely little packages, answering my endless questions, the list goes on and on.
I sound like a chick flick right now but I'm just thankful that even though we can go months without saying a word to each other when we do talk it's like no time has passed at all. I'm lucky. Sincerely lucky.
Thanks Iris. For being you.
Now for the good part.
Last Fall Paul and Joe had released it's newest Sparkles Collection and one of the prints was a really cool, flattering orangy Fall cat print. I love Fall and I love Halloween. The print reminded me of both and I fell in love with it.
At the time they also had a GWP with purchase that included this print on a tote style purse that I fell in love with. I e-mailed Iris right away asking for a CP. Sadly, I ended up skipping for some reason or another.
But obviously Iris didn't forget because many months later a large envelope pops into my mail and inside is none other than the purse tote that I so deperately wanted.
I realize some people are thinking how terribly loud it is...but lord knows I love it. *Happy Sigh*
Inside the tote was a Pupa quad as well in a delicious array of lovely browns that's most flattering on thise Muse's eyes.
So you see, the moral of the story is, good friends are simply awesome and we should always be thankful for having some in our life!
Labels: Friends
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