Musings of a Muse

A Blog of Musings from a Cosmetic Whore

Jan 22, 2010

New Resolutions 2009

I hope everyone is having a Happy New Year so far! It's probably going to be a rough year ahead for the world but hopefully we'll all come out of it smiling. I like to make resolutions for the New Year but like everyone I don't always stick to 'em but I definitely try and a majority of the time I normally stick to around 70-80% of the list I make out for myself! So I don't have too bad a track record when it comes my resolutions for the year!

I'm a little late with this but read ahead to hear what I resolve to do for the upcoming year!

Get Organized, Scale Back, Only Buy What I'll Use

Whoa did you read those three statements? I must be nuts! Especially that scale back part!

Fact of the matter is I noticed I've accumulated a ton of cosmetics since blogging. Granted I've always had a load of cosmetics even before that but after blogging this past year it's been a bit nutty to say the least. I'd really like to only buy what I know I'll use or items that are unique. This basically means that just because MAC has introduced a new aqua eyeshadow I do NOT need to add it to the 50 plus aqua shadows I already have. It's hard to admit how ridiculous I am sometimes but ridiculous it is. I just want to control my cosmetic urges a bit better just because the aqua eyeshadow is LE does not mean I need it considering I have the same shade in another shadow that laid claim to being LE as well. It's insanity I tell you! This year I'm going to try to approach cosmetics with a choosy and careful attitude. Pick what I know I'll use, don't be swayed by LE's, think before I buy, take note what I already have and don't dupe it "just because", and finally try to go for unique items and avoid the rest.

I'm an organized freak by nature and everything in my house from books, to clothes, to shoes, makeup, and dvds are all organized to perfection. I like my belongings to be in perfect condition and to be organized in a neat, tidy fashion (can't say the same for my desk at my office). My makeup collection is organized perfectly and I know just where everything is however I have too many boxes, small organized, cabinets, etc....everything is spaced out and I hate that. This year I'm aiming to buy a few draws or cabinets or something and put my ENTIRE collection into that one spot. I hate having a hundred of different organizers...I just want one maybe two at the most that has a slew of draws where I can organize individual items and just keep everything together in a neat, tidy, and small space.

I'd really like to scale back my collection this year as well. I haven't been through it in a few months because I've been so busy but I want to get through it and see what I don't need/want/or hasn't been used and just swap it away or sell or donate it to friends. It's silly to have a slew of items that are not being used when I can use them as swap bait or any number of the other things I mentioned. I really aim to scale back some of what I own this year and maybe make room for all the "unique items" I'll be buying (hehe I made a funny there!).

More Me Time

This one probably sounds shallow but I actually don't have enough "me" time. I'd love some free time during the week or the weekend without my friends. I'm always with them.....feels like 24/7...and I'm missing out on some quality time doing things that I love doing such as reading (I'm a big geek for books), watching TV shows (I have dozens of shows piled on my Tivo), gaming, and just chilling out a little bit. I simply adore all my mates but going to dinner every night, shopping, hanging out, etc...every single day gets a bit much. I'd love to make some time for me and I aim to do that this year.

Weekends with the Muse

You might have noticed from Friday Afternoon all the way to Monday morning you don't get a single Muse from me. This is because I'm extremely busy on the weekend doing this, that and the other thing. My weekends are packed with activity and I just have no time to blog. This weekend I did quite a few posts and I felt good about it so this year I aim to use the schedule feature on blogger and have posts written up during the week that I'll schedule to post on the weekend. I'd really like to dedicate some extra time to do these posts during the week so they'll be ready for Friday, Saturday and Sunday postings when I'm away.


Oh e-mail....the bane of my existent. I know it'll never happen but I pray daily that one day I'll catch up with all the e-mail this site generates. I love you all so much and I'd love to be able to answer every single e-mail you send me but if I took time out to write each person back everyday I'd honesty have no time to post anything on this blog...I'd just be emailing people. First off if you ever wrote me an e-mail and never got a reply...I apologize....The site generates ridiculous amounts of e-mail daily and I can't keep up. I'm so sorry. I hope to someday get a better system and get organized and to finally answer all the e-mails that await me...but for now do be patient. This year I hope I'll get more of a handle on my inbox and start clearing it out. I know a few people e-mail me for cps and get me this, get me that...and again I'd love to run around town and shop for all of you but sometimes I just don't have the time. I do offer out of the kindness of my heart but a majority of the time I can't always fulfill the request...I'm deeply sorry about that. If you need me for any reason the best way to contact me is leave a comment or twitter me! You'll get a way faster reply ;) Promise.

I guess that's pretty much the extent of what I resolve to do this year! I've already made a good solid effort
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