Pieces of Life: Busy as a Bee Edition

Morning loves!
How is everyone today? Looking forward to the weekend I hope. Looks like more bloody rain...why oh why are my weekends plagued by rain?
I just wanted touch base and say I have gotten such lovely comments lately so thank you very much. I'm about a week or more behind on comments sadly. I'm not ignoring you but I just haven't had a sec to post and reply to them. Please forgive me. I sometimes find it difficult juggling life, blogging, and work lately so posting normally comes first and comments get a secondary place in my time line of things to do. But please know I'll get to each one very soon and reply personally.
If you left one already and it was posted and never replied to it that would mean I lost track, sorry! Feel free to leave it again and I'll happily reply! As for ones not yet posted I'll be moderating them shortly and replying to each and every one.
Thank you for making all my hard work worth it. Comments are a huge payment back to me as I know what you are loving and of course I adore discussing makeup, life, or anything really with each of you!
Have a great day!
Look out for new posts coming shortly.
P.S. Is Musings loading slow for anyone today? Seems a tad slow for me. Must look into that!
Labels: Pieces of Life
Dear Muse!
No need to print this comment...I just wanted to drop you a line.
Could you please do a review or two on some of the Chic Choc items you've bought? Pretty please? :)
Yup, I'm the girl who has been dying to get my hands on some of the stuff...I hope I'm not bugging too much, just excited to hear about the brand.
As you already know, I think your blog is fabulous! Keep up the good work!
- Miss D
Sorry Muse...I'm sending another comment you don't need to post.
Could you also do a review on some Kiss cosmetics, if you have any (Japanese brand)?
I was thinking about getting an eyeshadow or eyeliner from ichibankao.com but I have no idea if this brand is worth the price they have listed on their online store.
Again, thanks so much! :)
- Miss D
hey miss d sorry for the delayed reply!
thanks for the lovely comment :-D
I'll def do the review soon including the kiss line...kiss makes great mascara :_D
mmmmm ichibankao is a bit too pricey :( try ordering from Adambeauty when possible much cheaper.
I'll try and round up some reviews soon for ya!
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