Buy Jesse's Girl Cosmetics Online

Why can't I have a cosmetic line like that? Now you can...!
Jesse's Girl cosmetics are sold in Duane Reade drugstores here in the NY area. Personally I've never seen them outside of Duane Reade but I'll take your word for it if you have had the pleasure of seeing the line sold elsewhere.
Gratuity video of Rick Springfield looking all kinds of hot!
Duane Reade doesn't carry a whole lot of the line, at least not in my experience, and only ever get a shadow set here and there but not much else.
The good news?
Buy Jesse's Girl cosmetics online! They'll ship it all over the world too!
Click it for some details, pictures, and some great prices on the line.
Best part about ordering from the site is the fact they bundle collections together. For example they have the Jesse's Girl Color My World Eyeshadow for $17 as a set of four (normally these are $4.99 each) and also the Jesse's Girl Startdust Powder Eye Shadow in a set of six for $24 (regular $4.49 each).
Of course if you're not wanting to indulge in sets you can pick and choose single products as well. Much of the Jesse's Girl line is quite good quality and pigmented for it's inexpensive price tag.

The company offers a flat rate shipping in the US for $5.95 and flat worldwide shipping $8.95.
If you have a difficult time locating the line in your area this is a great way to indulge.
Visit to shop it!
Labels: Beauty Babblings, US Drugstore Brands
rick!!! woo!!!! where can i find a womanlike that?! lol
I've seen blog posts about Jesse's Girl at Rite Aids
muse! everytime I see the brand Jesse's Girl, that song does play on top of my head LOL
ooh checking these out right now
Rite Aid here in Virginia Beach just started carrying them! Very excited, and reasonably priced, too! I grabbed two powder shadows yesterday that I can't wait to try.
Hey Muse!
You're in the NYC area right? They carry Jesse's Girl at some Rite Aid's around the city. That's the only place I've seen them...and even's not always stocked up to my standards :) I'm excited that it's available online now!! There's nothing like shopping in your PJ's hahah
Never heard of this brand before... The products look rather cute. I'm eying the Cocktail Lipglosses (which just happen to be 25% off right now). :D
I've just recently got into Jesse's Girl and I really love them. I have seen them in Rite Aid if anyone is looking for them locally.
They sell this at Rite-Aid!!! i love Jesse's Girl! glad you are blogging about it!!!
Hey Muse!
Got mine at the Rite Aid in California. Hope this helps some readers!!
lol nes!
hi Halifax
Yup, but not the entire line sadly.
hey nikki!
LOL! ditto!
hey missus :-D
good stuff!
hi Meredith
yay :-D good shadows, quite pigmented for the price!
hiya Lollia16
yup they sure do sadly not the entire line but a little of this and that :-D
LOL hells yes shopping in the pjs rocks it!
hi Hannah
hey 25% off :-D you gotta haul now lol!
hi Valerie!
yup my rite aid has a few bits too..! :-D
hi jenny yup here too but not a whole lot of it sadly :-D
thanks Elaina :-D
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