Prescriptives Holiday Collection 2008: AGLOW
I've taken a look at the Prescriptives AGLOW champaign and I must say I'm duly impressed and eager to see it on counters!
Prescriptives Holiday Collection AGLOW will be available on counters and on the Prescriptives website in November, I'm happy see that Prescriptives is taking things slow and giving us room to enjoy the beautiful Fall season, I wish more companies would consider the same!
I like the looks of virtually everything that's available from this collection but I'm seriously lemming the Prescriptives Winter Reflections All-Over-Highlighter which is limited edition compact of soft, shimmering pearls to highlighting the face with shades of white, beige, and pink! You can use these on face or body which makes them a great multitasking product!
Prescriptives is also releasing two limited edition eye shadow quads in a Warm and Cool version. The Prescriptives Winter Reflections Eye Color Quad comes housed in a platinum mirror compact and contain four coordinating shimmering shades of color! I have my eye on the cool version but the warm version looks equally as nice!
Prescriptives Winter Reflections Eye Color Quad Warm
- Chestnut (New & LE shade)
- Brunette (New & LE Shade)
- Suede (New & LE Shade)
- Banana
Prescriptives Winter Reflections Eye Color Quad Cool
- Oyster (New & LE Shade)
- Twinkle (New & LE Shade)
- Eclipse (New & LE Shade)
- Shell
Prescriptives is also releasing a brand new Blush More or Less shade in Santa Fe Sun.
For lips Prescriptives has several limited edition shades of gloss and lipstick available in the following selections:
Prescriptives Coloruscope Lip Gloss (All Shades are LE)
- Twinkling
- Peachy
- Rosy
- Icy
Prescriptives Colourscope Lipcolor
- Golden Quartz (LE)
- True Bronze
- Winter Rose (LE)
- Wisteria
All in all I really like the looks of this collection and hopefully will nab some to review for you soon! I'm highly interesting in checking out the shimmering pearls for sure!
How about you?
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Tell the Muse!

Tarte Holiday Collection 2008
Lush Holiday Collection 2008
Bath and Body Works Holiday Collection 2008
Smashbox Holiday Collection 2008: Rapture
Bobbi Brown Holiday Collection 2008
NARS Holiday Collection 2008
Labels: Holiday Collections 2008, Prescriptives, Winter Collections 2008
Hi Muse,
Actually Sephora is already starting to receive Givenchy. I like the powders but not sure how much I love it to actually get it. Also not sure how much is going to be Int'l release vs domestic. Temptalia showed different products.
Hurrah that the e/s palettes aren't LE! That way I can think of them after.
The Prescriptives collection looks nice but kind of run of the mill. I liked the blue in the fall collection better. Yes, blue is my fave eyeshadow color.
Yes, it's interesting watching our department stores decide if they want to be high end or not. I agree Macy's is going declasse. I am a high end girl myself.
My size ranges at the moment from 8-12 depending on how much water I'm retaining. It drives me insane! I'd like to get to a more consistent 8 so that will be my goal this winter. =D
Even though I like high end brands, they do get very size-ist. My feet tend to be a little wider too. I find round toe shoes more forgiving that way. I used to like the fancy brands but I can't wear high heels anymore. So, if you're looking for cute but sensible I like Birkenstock (the shoes are cute) and Naot. You must have a great shoe collection living where you do!
I love the high pressure, fast pace. I am weird that way. I considered Wall Street. I am quite glad I didn't go that way now...But my schedule is too inconsistent for me to schedule riding lessons. Plus the stable was quite far away from my house and I don't have the energy to devote 3 hrs a night to it. So I go to the gym instead. Swimming is less commitment.
If you've never used La Poudre C'est Moi, I recommend opening it. It's the best highlighting powder ever! I actually went and got a 2nd one.
Still no Chantecaille...I just called and the MA has now said end of the month. Eek! I hate it when it gets delayed...
EH Magic BB is really good! I agree that BBs are inconsistent, even within brands. I have my eye on some Skin79 ones to try. Also the BRTC jasmine water one.
I will have to make a run to BBW. I don't know if I can live without a lambie blankie too. It's just too cute! Plus it's starting to get colder. I may have to turn on the heat soon.
I definitely recommend giving Honey Cake a try! It's wonderful. Melts about the same pace as Snowcake. I am rather fond of honey scents.
If you ever see a Caribou, their Coolers blow Fraps out of the water. The Mocha Frap can't stand up to the chocolate cooler. Nummy. I like the occasional coffee. I got a mocha with pumpkin spice today. It was like having a chocolate truffle.
I forgot to tell you but Bloomies called me about the Piha! I luckily made it on to the list. Me so happy! =D Did you see YSL has a black lipgloss too? I picked it up and it is BLACK. I think it's much more opaque than Piha. Ta much for the news break!
I ran to the outlet mall today and discovered we have a Lancome & Designer outlet and a CCO! The Lancome one had Vichy and La Roche Posay, plus some Armani. The CCO had a ton of the Lauder group stuff. They still have a bunch of Peony and Brownie shimmer bricks, but also some more recent items, like the summer pink palette. From MAC they had Fafi already, plus some of last year's holiday stuff. I shall have to go back...
I received the Neimans Christmas book. I always get a kick out of reading it. The weird things they have in there...
I joined Twitter by the way but haven't quite figured out how to use it yet. That will be a weekend project. =D
Anyway, I hope you have a lovely weekend. Take care! Many hugs and lots of love!
I just got hired at the Prescriptives counter at my local mall! Training starts on Tuesday, but I'm afraid my paycheck is all going to go back towards these lovely products ;)
Too bad Prescriptives has withdrawn its counters in where I live.
Hi Muse it's me Carla, I can't realy wait to see dior night diamond powder do a review very soon :)
about prescribtive, I didn't try anythin' from thier line yet cause I'm fond of Dior =D
talk to you soon
hey bets!
How are you? I have off today and quite sick in bed :( Sneezing, sore throat, the entire kit and kaboodle :(
Looks like we are not getting the loose powder or the shadows from what I've seen so far but I can sucks having to wait for Sephora to stock as Saks no longer has it nor anywhere else in manhattan!
Agreed. I do so love the fact that we can take advantage later!
I must say that prescritives, catches my heart lately. I really liked the blue myself paired with the gold and brown. it's not something I'd normally try but it was rather a fabulous palette :)
Blue isn't my fav..but close..aqua and teals :) that's my fav!
Macy's has reached the pinnacle of declasse. Aside from the 34th location I have not run across a Macy's in the greater new york area that has not hit a rock bottom. I'm a high end girl myself as well and I must say Macy's is most definately not it :(
8-12?? I meant your shoe size hehehe! it can't be you're ranging 8-12 in shoes..or can it? eep! lol!
I love high end and I love heels. I used to collect much more than I do but I find heels are unforgivable on a girl my size. I'm wobbly and round and short and heels just don't forgive and just give a world of pain and hurt :) so I definately stick to flats about 85% of the time. Especially when at work. I love ballet flats and find them much comfortable. Even though I sit all day I still can't take the strain of heels! I was living in bliss the past few seasons that many high end brands have embraced the ballet flat :)
Aww I can totally understand!!! I'd love to take up some hobbies but I just don't have the time to commit to it. I have work, plus this blog does so keep me on my toes lately as it grows bigger and bigger..way past my expectations.
For my physical activity I normally walk 4 miles daily :) it's the best commitment I can make!
LOL you have guessed was never opened..I've since embraced opening up everything and using it right away...but certain items remain ever after in my beauty vault!
I will consider cracking open the LpCM!
Ugh what is going on? I know there website has also been down for ages and ages as well, quite annoying!
Fantastic I'm glad to hear you tried it! Skin79 is ok..I have too and they are quite good!
BRTC I've tried a few but not the jasmine water..I find that they are a bit too dark for my liking!
The lambie calls me daily lol!
I've ordered some HC in my nordies order just this past weekend :) should arrive soon! Very eager to try it out for mysel!
We must have Caribou somewhere in this city and I never's prob b/c I don't drink coffee at all which is why it failed to catch my eye but the pumpkin that sounds amazing!
omg they didn't call me yet! I think I'll call today and see what is up!
I did see the YSL but it was a bit too over the top for me :) I guess Phia got me b/c I was thinking how gorg it would look with the red!
Off topic but I was able to nab the BB Pink Satin Collection from a CCO for $98 this weekend! I was so happy I could spit!
My CCO also had tons of mac fafi and holiday plus quite a fair bit of BB :)
I get a kick out of the Neiman's Xmas book myself..good bathroom reading I call it lol! it's in my vanity mag holder right now lol!
fantastic! What's your nick and I'll follow you!
I hope your weekend was great! Mine started out well until I got terribly ill :( I chalk it up as after effects to the flu shot I got last week :(
Many hugs!
Talk soon!
hello yellow fever!
Fantastic, congrats! LOL totally can understand that but hey employee discount right? wahoooo! enjoy!
Good luck!
hi ashley!
ahh you must be in singapore right? I know they withdrew from Singapore :( That's quite crummy as they have such a great line..perhaps it wasn't selling well :(
hi carla!
I have a TON of holiday items and more fall to get through and dior diamond powder will def make an appearance :)
I love Dior as well but definately love branching out to other brands :-) I fear I'm a bit of a junkie and I'm not loyal to any brand, I love them all! :)
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