Pixi Eye Beauty Kit Review
I came, I saw, I conquered the Pixi display at Target!
I ended up hauling quite a few items from the new Pixi Collection available at Target and about 98% of it I was pretty darn happy about however I was slightly disappointed with the Pixi Eye Beauty Kit in Miracle I picked up!

I'll start my tale by telling you that I've wanted a Pixi Eye Beauty Kit for a very, very long time. I remember lemming two that were available for a terribly long time on Sephora but for some odd reason I never picked them up and finally when I did wake up and say "gee I really should order those", tragedy struck.......they were out of stock.
The Muse would visit Sephora daily in the hopes they'd pop back up again but sadly they never did. She was tempted to ask friends in London to please go and grab them for her but she wasn't feeling like spending cash on airmail plus the inflated price of the palette UK side.
Good news finally came when Target began carrying the entire Pixi Collection! Blessed be!
Sadly, the wait for Pixi Eye Beauty Kits wasn't worth it.
Although the palette is nice enough it has it's fair share of flaws and in the end it's $28 USD price tag is seriously not worth it!
What's not the like about a super credit card slim palette that contains eye shimmering shades of shadow? Alot.

Although I like the palette well enough it's main problem is the quality for the cash. If the price was a bit lower I imagine I'd recommend purchasing one or two but at $28 USD it doesn't come through to warrant such a high cost.
I purchased Miracle but there are about 12 other color options available for you to choose from and who knows some of those may be good but Miracle is lacking big time. The shades are all pastel and range in golds, pinks, and other softer natural shades. The color pay off is practically non existent and ridiculously sheer. The shadows are all very soft, silky, and easy to blend however that doesn't redeem the fact that the shades are sadly lacking pigment of any kind.

The good news is, yes you can create a rather nice daytime look, the bad news is that you're paying $28 USD to create a look you can probably duplicate for heaps cheaper with a posher brand of cosmetics that would cost less!
The shades included in the palette are as follows:
Dusky Light Copper
Bronze Copper
Shimmering Gold
Pearl Pink
Light Brown
Shimmering Yellow
Shimmering Dark Rose
Shimmering Brownish Copper

Basically all of the above shades look pretty much the same when on your lid. There isn't anything to contrast each shade so if you're wanting to use several shades for one look, chances are you'll end up looking like you have one shade on in the long run.
The good news is that although the colors are sheer they still manage to create a fresh look to my eyes and the shimmer in each shade is very nice however this still doesn't justify the cost.
The packaging is interesting on the compact in it's simple very slim design. I give Pixi major props for managing to keep a certain cuteness about the compact while also having a simple design for easy storage and portability.
Overall, I just feel like the palette isn't worth it's ridiculous $28 USD price tag. If they consider lowering the price I may be tempted to purchase another shade selection but even than I have serious doubts if I'd indulge further.
All in all this one I'm on the outs about this one. Definitely check out the Pixi line at Target as they have some fantastic offerings that I'll review for you shortly but steer clear of the Pixi Eye Beauty Kits...they just aren't worth the cash!
Tried out any of the Pixi line for yourself?
Loving it?
Tell the Muse!

NP Set Lip Goss Review
Target Steps It Up with it's New Line of Cosmetics from Pixi, Jemm Kidd, and More!
Kayvid: I have commented on 2 of your earlier posts and was wondering if there is an issue with comments since I dont see them yet...or maybe you haven't gotten to them yet?
morning kayvid :)
That's me being slow today!
Sorry *blush* I was trying to get posts out and didn't reply to comments first which is normally my order of business ;)
I'll be replying shortly ;-)
Thanks so much for your great comments kayvid! Appreciate 'em greatly and enjoy talking to you!
Sorry if I'm slow replying sometimes!
Thanks for being patient *hugs*
It is still showing zero comments, even though I can read her comment. Hmmmmm?
Anyhow, I just wanted to say thank you for the honesty in telling us this shadow doesn't work. I have been tempted to try some of these lines at Target but I am turned off by the high prices. I understand that Target is trying to become a little more hip in their brands but they need to realize their clientelle comes there for a deal, not to spend department store prices for makeup. They should at least offer sales or special gift giveaways with these high priced items.
I love your reviews! Keep up the great work. Jean
Hello Jean!
grrr gotta love blogger..:P
You're most welcome ;-) Believe me if I hate it I'll tell ya ;)
I can understand Target trying to draw in the teen crowd and twenty something and even me for that matter who falls into neither category and is just a beauty junkie!
However the cost is ridiculous even of some of the quality is there.
the prices need to be lowered but I doubt that'll happen anytime soon and honestly I predict by Summer or even next Fall all these items will end up in a clearance bin somewhere!
Do check out my original article of "Target Stepping it Up" I actually go into a details about the price and what not..maybe good reading for ya!
Thanks so much Jean! I appreciate it greatly!
I hope to speak to you again soon and get to know you!
I began to think Target made a mistake in introducing these 3 new lines of makeup a while ago already. They are all ridiculously high priced, argh! I think Jemma Kidd line is the most decent out of the 3 but I can't swallow the price tags. It's good to know Pixi is not that great either, now I can sleep comfortably knowing I don't miss out anything :)
hey dao!
Morning...oops afternoon :)
Agreed. At first I felt it might be a good move considering that they were riding on the fact that people may indulge in "smaller" purchases rather than huge ones. However, since the economy has taking a nose dive really badly in the last few weeks..it was borderline before and it's now reached the insanity point...chances are that the lines will plunge. Target had a good chance of selling off the line prior to the bailout plan but at this point people are heading to stores like Target, Walmart, etc..for deals and not higher end brands :P
I didn't like the Jemma Kidd line up all that much but it wasn't too bad.
You're not missing anything at all...! Some items are pretty good but this one..blah :P
Pretty, but I probably wouldn't pay that either. They should be cheaper if they are at Target!
hey laurie!
agreed, the price is ridiculous :P
My 1st try and my last! the quality isn't there for the price :(
Kayvid: Oh please! Dont apologize, it's your blog, you can reply whenever you want...I just wanted to make sure you aren't having comment issues like you did in the recent past :-)
hi kayvid :)
no, it's our blog :) You guys make it what it is as much as I do ;-)
Nope comments are flowing well but I'm just backed up getting posts and comments answered ;)
I'm working on it though!
Love ya!
happy monday!
Well Muse... you called it!! I went to Target last weekend, and the NP, Pixi and JK were ALL on clearance!!! I went back again a few days after that, and it was totally gone!! I guess they agreed w/ you that now wasn't the time to try to sell "high-end" at a "low-end" price! :-) Lol
Hope you're feeling better!! Colds suck!
hi elaina!
lmao! That's hysterical! Interesting it was all clearanced WHOA!
Thanks honey I appreciate the well wishes :)
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