Japanese Summer Cosmetic Collection 2008: Week in Review Coming Soon!
A lovely, lovely, lovely friend of mine did a bit of shopping for me in Japan last week which means I'll be bringing you a week in review of some great Japanese Cosmetics from the Summer Collections!
Here's a sneak peak:

Excited? I am! Can't wait to dig in!

To keep you occupied until next week how about revisiting some of my posts for the Spring Collections from Japan this year?
Click here to read my review on the Paul and Joe X Disney Spring Collection!
Click here to read my review on the Lavshuca Spring Collection including the new Noble On Eye Palettes!
Click here to read my review on the Majolica Majorca Spring Collection!
Click here to read my review on Ettusais Glitter Princess Spring Collection!
Click here to read my review on the KATE Spring Collection!
Want more? Click through all my Spring reviews by locating the drop down menu of Spring Collections on the right hand side of my blog!
Happy Reading!
Labels: Japanese Brands, Reviews, Sneak Peeks, Summer Collections 2008
the lavshuca palette up there looks fab!!!
You're always getting the nice stuff. Heh.
*dives face first into haul*
Hehe, I can't wait either! :D
I bought the same 2 Aube lip glosses and the same 2 lavshuca shadow palettes!
Do great minds think alike or WHAT!
Oh gosh!! Look at all that stuff!!! I feel like robbing you now! I'm so so so excited to see the individual pics of everything. :)
Eee! Japanese cosmetics porn! I can't wait to hear about these, especially that Lavshuca palette. It looks gorgeous!
hi loey!
hehe :-) Thanks! It looks amazing! I'm excited to fotd ;)
hiya tanya!
LOL! I'll roll around in it with you ;) I'm excited to try it all on my face!
hey rows!!!
w00t! Can't wait to see your review of 'em! I love the palettes! Much better than Holiday Editions arent they!?
Great minds do indeed think alike :)
hey serene!
LOL! Come on over ;) I'll share!
I can't wait to try it all!
hiya taryn ;)
The lavshuca palettes are my fav of the lot ;) Can't wait! Squee!
i'm so jealous! :P
please do the lavshuca one first? :) if you can...
Hi Muse, wow so many updates eh? That's what I love about your blog! The downside is when I don't have time to check your blog I've so much catchups to do ;)
I can't wait to hear your reviews esp the Canmake e/s! :)
i'm so jealous >< we still don't have the new aube lip glosses here in Hong Kong...i'm dying to get them ><
by the way, i've been reading your blog for a while now. you look so cute >w< i'm from Hong Kong so i'm mostly surrounded by Japanese brands and i really love reading your comments on Japanese cosmetics!! my favourite brand right now is Aube/Sofina. i also have Kate's Dual Carat Eyeshadow and an old version of Canmake's blush. i love them!!
why doesnt adam stock up on lavshuca *dies second time*
lucky to have such great friends to do shopping for you! hehehe :) can't wait for more reviews! You made me understand japanese products more
OMG such a nice haul, cannot wait for your reviews ;)
Oh. My. Makeup-God! That's heavenly! Report soon!
hey ' * : . b | u 3 . : * '!
;) The lavshuca may take a while as I want to get four complete fotds before I post my review :) I'll do my best to hurry it along ;)
hey gracie!
I know lol. I'm a nut when it comes to updating ;)
the good part is I don't have time to do it come the weekend so you can dive in all weekend without me updating and catch up hehe!
I'm looking forward to digging into the canmake! They look great!
Hope you had a nice weekend!
hi Noelle!
Thanks for leaving a comment :)
The Aube Lipglosses are simply great :) They changed the packaging on them too which I'll be showing shortly :)
Aww thank you *hugs* I appreciate your kind compliments :)
I'm obsessed with Japanese beauty products and it's nice to meet people who love them too!
My fav brand is MJ :) but Aube definately is up there as a fav :)
I LOVE the dual carats! I can't wait to review the new ones for you guys :)
Thanks again for commenting! Don't be a stranger :) do come back and speak to me again soon!
Happy Monday!
hey helly
hehe :) I know! Was wondering when he'd finally update!
Cross my fingers that it is soon!
Happy Monday!
heya Askmewhats! Happy Monday!!!
Indeed! Thank god for good friends :)
Just as long as my reviews don't make you an addict hehe!
hiya bliss! how are you?
I can't wait to post my thoughts ;) I used the MJ so far ;)
And it's great! Review to come shortly!
lol linn!
Will do!
Happy Monday!
hehehe Thank God I can't easily get my hands on them! Or else, bankrupt and it's you I should point my fingers to! hehehe
LOL niks :)
you can always read my Guide to Japanese Shopping..this could tempt you and make it easier to get the items *bats my lashes*
i see canmake and kate! review them plz!!! :D
tis coming lovie :) hehehe!
Please review the Aube glosses especially EX04 and EX05! I can't decide which to get! :)
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